By 9:00am on a rather warm summer’s morning, we decided it was time to head back to camp to enjoy a delicious breakfast looking out over the banks of the Sand River from Granite Camp. As we were approaching the camp, Vervet Monkey alarm calls caught our attention and re-directed us towards the giant Ebony trees dotted along the river, in search of the threat that the troop had spotted. A combination of Freddy looking for tracks, stopping the car and listening, and the whole group of us searching the shady thickets it only took about eight minutes after the first alarm for us to spot the Flat Rock Male leopard on the open crest in front of Londolozi’s camps.

This was one of the first views of this impressive male leopard in the sighting. He appeared to be hunting and the monkeys alarming at him could give away his position.
Born 2013 Kruger, seized prime territory at young age. Strategic dominance led to successful lineage before current eastward shift.
It was a great surprise, particularly for myself and Freddy. It had been a while since we had last seen the Flat Rock Male. Due to the pressure from the slightly bigger and more dominant males in the south of the reserve (the Maxims male as well as the Senegal Bush Male), we have started to see less of the Flat Rock Male as we presume he is also subsequently shifting further north.

The Senegal Bush Male has been shifting the Flat Rock Male’s territory further north. Pressure from younger, more prominent or even just more dominant males can be the main decider as to where we may see the Flat Rock Male find a safe territory in the future.
Dominant from 2019-2024, transformed from cautious visitor to powerful territorial force. Mastered central Londolozi until his final days.
Dominant since 2019. Once skittish Kruger-born giant now rules vast territory, transforming from elusive presence to formidable force.
Research has shown that male leopards will regularly undergo a double-shuffle in their lives. Their initial dispersal from their natal area moves them to where they are unlikely to encounter related females, which thus strengthens the genetic pool. But then later in life – often at around 9-10 years old – they will sometimes shift territories again. This is also theorised to be driven by genetics. By this stage of their lives, it is likely that they will have mated with the resident females, and surviving daughters will have started approaching sexual maturity. In other words, an increasing proportion of the young females a dominant male encounters will be genetically related.
![Flat Rock Male Standing On Bank [2] (rb)](
The Flat Rock male gazes towards elephants that were coming down to the river for a drink in the late morning
Obviously, it isn’t as cut-and-dried as this; several other factors are involved, like the potential for expansion or shifting based on neighbouring males, the sex ratio of a male’s offspring (ie. the actual genetic pressure) among others, but this second shift has been well documented. Recently, the Flat Rock male has been seen further and further north into Londolozi, pushing far north beyond Londolozi’s northern boundary.

The Flat Rock Male spotted a herd of impalas about 100m away. A great opportunity to capture a photograph of him descending the mound with an intense stare into the distance.
This particular morning we followed him for a good while. From termite mound to termite mound as he went in search of something to hunt, the untypical behaviour of an adult male leopard hunting in the mid-day heat kept us entertained for the whole sighting. In search of newly born warthog piglets, impala lambs or even young wildebeest we always stood a chance of seeing something out of the norm. The highlight of the sighting for all of us was when the Flat Rock Male unknowingly bumped into three of the Ntsevu Sub-adult Male lions.

What an ending to the morning! Notice the one Ntsevu young male at the top right of the photograph. Just after this photo was taken the leopard glanced to his right, noticed the lion and swiftly moved towards the thicker vegetation.
As the male leopard was taking a rest on top of a termite mound, tracker Freddy spotted the three lions resting in the shade of a nearby tree. Fortunately for the Flat Rock Male, the relatively open space between the mound and the tree allowed enough space and time for him to spot the three males and quickly move out of the area. As the lions caught the scent of the leopard they stood up to investigate who and what was nearby.
Needless to say, it was an amazing morning. Filled with lots of excitement, beauty, and elegance and ended off with a little nervousness. We were now ready for that tasty breakfast on the Granite Camp Deck.
That’s a BIG KITTY! (smile! .. 🙂 ) that looks like it’s been eating good in his neighborhood!
With an eleven year old and 2 ten year old Leopards, could there be a major power struggle when they pass away and what age would you say a Male leopard is at his peak? Please keep up the great work.
What a great morning! I envy your guests.
What a delight to see the Flat Rock Male! His picture is safely on my phone screen from 2019.
Thank you!
The Flat Rock Male is so handsome. I’ve missed seeing him in the blogs as he’s shifted his territory, but glad to see the Maxims and Senegal Bush Males still doing well in their slightly older years.
It’s always a good morning when you can bump into Leopard and Lion! A well earned breakfast 😊
Dan, I was wondering. Relating to the leopards and the genetic pool. Does anyone know the rate / percentage of male vs female leopards born in the Sands for example?
Dan it is wonderful to see this male leopards moving territory, to avoid conflict with the other bigger and younger males. All three males are stunning in their own right and I actually feel sorry for the Flat rock male. Maxim’s male being the biggest male is such a stunning leopard and Senegal bush male being younger sort of like outfits the Flat rock male. So glad no one got injured in the end with the Ntsevu male lions in the vicinity.
Of the senior resident males in Londolozi, Flat Rock is my favorite. First of all he possesses such a powerful attitude and is still a handsome leopard, with not many visible scars. One of my favorite drives took place almost two years ago when we followed him along the airstrip and then along the road as he marked his territory. As the sun dropped, the golden light followed this magnificent leopard until he disappeared into the bush. I am hoping he doesn’t move so far north that he leaves the property as I’d love to see him again. Thanks for the update Dan.
The Maxim’s Male looks very intimidating, not just his size but he has a very tough, stone facial expression.
To me lions are like the sun, they are Kings at the top of the pyramid of life. Leopards are fire, their sudden reactions, speed and multiple abilities. Never to be given for granted. Passionate animals, epithom of freedom! This accurate description of those males is so interesting, so intriguing, also because you never know what comes next. Super
Always interesting when a leopard and lion(s) are in the same neighborhood,
Flat Rock Male – twice seen and never forgotten – my absolute favourite! Thanks for interesting info in blog.
Great pictures of the Flat Rock Male. Thanks Dan.
Thanks for the info on the double shuffle! I always wondered how the inbreeding cycle would break.
Thanks for the update Dan! The Flatrock Male is definitely a leopard to be reckoned with! He reminds us of the Piva Male – one of our favorites from the past.