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Chris Taylor


Chris was born and raised in the Kwa-Zulu/Natal Midlands where his family inspired his early passion for the natural world. Exploring Southern Africa as he grew up, this passion was allowed to develop and his curiosity to expand. After high school, Chris spent ...

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on How to Search for a Leopard Den Site

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Finding a den site is certainly at or near the top of a guest’s bucket list, but the reality is, so much is dependent on discovering a leopard who has given birth. Timing is everything! I would love to experience the thrill of seeing week’s old leopards with or without their mom, but there so many other opportunities for special sightings of other animals, birds, etc. that the true enjoyment is just in being in nature……

An utmost perfect circle of life, to witness the birth of a cub and then seeing she is denning her own cubs. Too precious pictures! I appreciate the way you recognise leopards without collaring them, they stay wild and free and so their delightful cubs. Leopards dreamland!

Chris it is a momoth task to find a leopard den, not to mention the time, patience and determination from the Rangers and Trackers to keep looking until they find the den site. There is just something so special in seeing a tiny leopard cub, even more special if you can see it with your own eyes being transported by the Land Rovers and Guides and Trackers of Londolozi. We that can’t get to Londolozi, depend on the foto’s and video’s of leopard cubs, are truly grateful to be able to see these gorgeous tiny cubs and how mommy leopard cares for her cubs. Thanking you much for all these precious foto’s and video’s.

Senior Digital Ranger

Such a special blog and photos Chris . Thank you. Leopards are the reason we originally came to Londolozi. All the people are why we keep on coming back.

Wonderful story of hide and seek with the mother leopards. Thanks for the pictures Chris.

Being able to watch leopard cubs is really one of the greatest experiences in the bush.
There is a lot of skill involved from the side of the guides and trackers, but also a lot of good luck.
Sometimes one just happens on a leopard mother and cub, sometimes the mother calls the little ones and allows us to watch them for a while. This is so rewarding.
A few weeks a go, we drove round a bend in the road – and right in front of us a leopard mum was carrying her tiny cub to a new den side. It all happened so fast – and it was still pretty dark in the morning – that nobody was able to take a photo.
Only days later and at another spot there were three cubs playing close to the road – they vanished into the bush very fast. Their mother was somehow. to around. What nice surprises the bush sometimes holds for us.

A fascinating read Chris. It definitely seems like you are looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Is there a defined breading season or can they and do they have cubs at any time of the year? I guess I’m asking which months of the year are you more likely to see leopard cubs? Just preplanning.

Lovely blog, thanks Chris. I was lucky enough to see Ndzanzeni suckling her 2 young cubs, who then played catch-your-mother’s-tail. The male cub is now Tortoise Pan, and I love comparing my photos of him as an incredibly cute young cub and the magnificent adult he has become.

Leopards…….there is absolutely nothing that I don’t like about them! Leopards and their cubbies…..and leopards playing and eating and interacting……just pure magic!

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