Involved Leopards

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

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Ntomi 3:3 Male

Ntomi 3:3 Male

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Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

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About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on The Week in Pictures #551

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“The Ximungwe Young Male ascending a Marula tree at sunrise.” This to me, is the shot of the week. Closely followed by the inquisitive look on the face of “One of the Nhlanguleni Female’s young cubs cautiously peeked around the bushes with the afternoon sun creating a beautiful glow around its ears.” Beautiful.

Fabulous TWIP again – especially Dan’s one of the Ximungwe young male climbing the tree at sunrise, Barry’s one of the Verreaux eagle owl (how lucky to see it in the open during daylight hours) and my winner is Kyle’s one of the Nhlanguleni cub on the rocks….incredibly cute!

Thank you so much, Suzanne. Those are all some great images.

Lots of fantastic photos to choose from! Going with the one that grabbed the most oohs and aahs in our household, the Nhlanguleni cub resting on the boulder is the winner! Great shots by everyone! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much, Darlene. The photo of the Nhlanguleni Cub is a fantastic one.

So hard to choose the best shot from so many stunning photos. The Ximungwe Young Male climbing the marula tree is my pick closely followed by the quintessential shot of the Verreaux’s Eagle Owl.

Thank you so much, Jennifer. It is such a fantastic shot of the silhouetted leopard climbing the marula.

Senior Digital Ranger

Has anyone seen or heard anything about the Tsalala female of late?

Hi Johanna, yes the Tsalala Female has been seen a couple of times along the Sand River.

For me the shot of the week is the Ximungwe young male at sunrise. Classic pictures to cap off TWIP. Thanks to everyone for there patients and participation in TWIP.

Thank you so much, William. It is a great shot of the Ximungwe Young Male.

Senior Digital Ranger

I’m loving the Ximungwe Young Male with his big yawn! If you had not said it was a yawn I would have thought it was big growl! The pic of the baby giraffe is very precious, too!

Thank you so much, Debra. It is a great shot of the yawn.

The shot of the week for me is Barry’s cub, looking at the vehicle, the sun providing a halo around his ears. Every photo presented is special but this captured my imagination. The other special image for me was the slender mongoose, it’s head in sharp focus to highlight the eye. Excellent shots everyone!

Thank you so much, Denise. Photography is great because every image has a story and you can let your imagination run wild sometimes.

Sean my favorite foto this week is the baby giraffe with the umbilical cord still attached to it. So beautiful and protected by Mom nearby. All the foto’s this week very absolutely stunning especially the leopard cubs. Congrats Robbie your foto was stunning of the little cub resting on a branch. Very special foto indeed.

Thank you so much, Valmai. Baby giraffes are always so cute and steal everyone’s hearts.

Great selection once again this week!

Thank you so much, Michael.

Tremendous photogrphy–particularly the 2 silhouettes. I’m a softie, however. Love the Nhlanguleni Female’s young cub.

Thank you so much, Vin. The silhouette shots are great but think the cub takes the cake.

Which photo do I like best?
All of them, though actually the leopard cubs are again sooo cute.
But also the hippo, the battered lion and the young giraffe and especially the owl and the slender mongoose are such interesting photos.

Thank you so much, Christa. Leopard cubs are always so cute and tend to get lots of votes.

Spectacular pictures! It’s so difficult to choose… all gorgeous. I can’t pickup one maybe the leopard cub, the baby giraffe and the Ximungwe young male. The hippo is great as well

Senior Digital Ranger

My favorite photo is “Mothering is thirsty work”. I think it shows the incredible power of that lioness.

Mothering is indeed thirsty work.

Master Tracker

Well Sean, you’ve set the bar very , very high this week. Some of these are photos of a lifetime .

Thank you so much, Ian. These photos this week are great.

Sean, Fabulous images this week! Our favorite is the Ximungwe Young Male in B&W! Detail in the eye is really great!

Thank you so much, Michael and Terri.

Oh my goodness…..between active young male leopards, and tiny adorable little leopard cubbies, Londolozi has been blessed with gorgeous sightings lately!

The sightings of late have truly been magnificent.

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