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Robyn Morrison

Londolozi Alumna

Robyn grew up in Johannesburg and every family holiday was spent exploring the Lowveld or camping around Southern Africa. Her love of nature and conservation propelled her to complete her Masters degree at the University of Edinburgh’s school of Geoscience. Although this gave ...

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on Co-Operative Hunting – Six Key Elements For Success

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Watching a pack of wild dogs hunting reminds me of a slightly disorganized cavalry charge. They surround the prey and engage it. Much commotion!

Hi Robyn, are the community spiders poisonous. Spiders give me the creeps. It makes sense that hunting in a group is very successful and can feed the group. The wild dogs seem to make their prey exhausted by running and chasing them till the prey can’t anymore. Beautiful foto’s

Robyn, the community spiders a a fascinating species, thanks for bringing them to my attention.

I have always loved watching lions hunt in the wild. It reminds of an American football team who strategizes prior to a game. My question is how does each individual know what their position is (wing vs centre)? DO they always assume the same position?

I wonder how cooperative hunters decided who plays which position each time? Once a wing always a wing, or do they change roles? I had no idea there were communal, cooperative spiers – so terrifying, and fascinating at the same time.

Interesting article, Robyn. It’s always great to watch the maneuvers of packs of dogs or prides of lions. Though I am also glad when the hunted animal escapes.

Senior Digital Ranger

You gave a great laid out presentation about Co-operative Hunting Robyn! More so, the pictures the lions hunting together depicting their efforts are perfect. – The picture of two lioness being noticed by you (or the photographer) is comical! They’re just so tame and animated upon the moment! (..over grown kitties!)
And the first picture of the pride of lioness, which pride is it? They look so much like the Tsalala, but the pac is too big upon the existence of Tsalala’s, so I’m going to take a guess on the Ximhungwes pride? The two show so much affection! It’s precious!
The overall portfolio of pictures that go with the story are so vivid in color, that it makes your presentation full understandable.

Fascinating explanation of Cooperative hunting in these cases of lions, dogs and spiders. I’ve observed hunting and subsequent captures by the wild dogs and lions but knew nothing about the social spiders. Where are these creepy crawlers usually found? Also, do animal behavior specialists believe the lions are assigned a position by the senior lioness or do they choose a position they believe will work for the pride? Thank you!

A successful lion or wild dog hunt is an experience like none other…..one of the most magical moments in the African bush!

Robyn: Can you give an example of what might “fall” into the spider’s trap? I can’t imagine a more unpleasant death! Spiders are so creepy to me, that my sympathies are for the prey!

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