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Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on The Week in Pictures #536

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Senior Digital Ranger

great pictures !!!

Thank you so much, Dina.

Amazing study photo of the Three Rivers Female–such detail!
Wonderful, detailed photo of the Malachite Kingfisher a bird I had never seen previously!

Thank you so much, Vin. It is such a great image of the Three Rivers Female. As well as, that Malachite Kingfisher is stunning.

So MANY great shots here! It is hard to pick a favorite, but because I am a BIG FAN of The Three Rivers female, you know which one I picked! I watched her with her mother when she was tiny. That said, that portrait of her is absolutely perfect! So it is tops on my list. Close runners-up would be the dogs with the beautiful sunset, the playful lions standing up, and the rhino in the golden light! Congrats to all because they all were terrific shots.

Thank you so much, Darlene. Those are some great images. I also love the shot of the Three Rivers Female.

Sean, What fun you had! The images this week are really entertaining and we enjoyed sharing them with our visiting grandchildren! Hoping to bring them to Londolozi someday!

Thank you so much, Michael and Terri. It was a great week thanks. I am glad the grandchildren enjoyed the images. Hopefully we get to see them here sooner rather than later.

All pictures are superb and many favourite animals of ours, say big cats, elephants, rhino and giraffe. The elephant calf is too sweet! But the Three River Female ‘s picture is the one I’d love to see on my wall. Nature is thriving and you are all excellent at taking such unique shots of life.

Thank you so much, Francesca. The wildlife here is thriving and it is so amazing to spend time with them out here making the opportunities to capture some great shots possible.

Sean, thanks for another wonderful week in Pictures. The playful lions, the baby elephant and the little kingfisher were my favorites.

Thank you so much, William. Those are some great shots.

Senior Digital Ranger

What a beautiful selection of photos this week! It wasn’t hard to pick my favorite after viewing them all! It has to be the Wild Dogs looking over the land with the perfect background! The colors are amazing!

Thank you so much, Debra. That shot of the wild dogs is stunning.

Stunning photos. I love the one of the Malachite Kingfisher best. Its colors are so beautiful .

Thank you so much, Christa. Malachite Kingfishers are such gorgeous birds, and Jess’s photo does such a great job of portraying that.

How many Ntsevu sub adults are there in the breakaway pride? And what is the male to female ratio?

Hi Chris, if I am not mistaken there were initially 12 with a breakdown of seven males and five females. Now I believe that there is only six males left. They are no longer all spending time together so tricky to keep track of who and where they all are.

Great pics Sean. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much, Leonie.

A beautiful composite of images this week, especially in the predator category. However, I have to compliment Jess for her stunning Malachite Kingfisher photo. They are difficult to capture due to their size and rapid movements. The rhino in the the golden light is another wonderful image.
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a year since I was at Londolozi and viewing the week in pictures as well as the virtual safari intensifies my longing to return. Unfortunately I won’t make it this year due to the surgery complication, but my plan is to return next summer! In the meantime, I’ll continue to live vicariously through all your images.

Thank you so much, Denise. It was a great photographic week for everyone.
I am so glad that you are planning to come back next summer. We will certainly keep you up to date with all the TWIPs and Virtual Safaris.

Difficult choice as always, but my favourite this week has to be the wild dog pack with that gorgeous sky – stunning. By the way, I love where you placed the TWIP banner over the lions!

Thank you so much, Suzanne. That picture of the wild dogs is amazing. Thank you, It was such a great pic of the lions fighting and works very well as the banner.

Oh, the shot of the baby elephant! And the one with a rhino AND elephants! So great!

Thank you so much, Linda. Those are some great choices too.

Gosh the Three Rivers female and the black and white of the Ximungwe female are my winners this week what fabulous photographs ‼️💗…..followed closely by the baby elephant. But as always Sean and team they are absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing as always🙏🏻

Thank you so much, Cally.

They are ALL beautiful.

Thank you so much, Gerald.

Senior Digital Ranger

This truly was a spectacular week for pictures! Really hard to pic a a-favorite but if I hone it down to just good photography and not the characters I love so much for me it was the Wild Dogs in the glow of the golden light and the Malachite Kingfisher the way his body twists lyrically around that stalk. Great shots!

Thank you so much, Johanna. Those are some great choices.

Master Tracker

Even by it’s normally high standards, this TWIP is a cracker

Sean this was jam packed with such stunning foto’s. The baby elephant is absolutely gorgeous. Loved the foto the lions playing and the Ximungwe male cub is so beautiful. Not to talk about Nkoveni female cubs that give us endless viewing of them playing. The rhino fotos are unique and it is not always that we see them.

SO many great photographs this week! The kingfisher is spectacular 🤩.
I imagine watching the lions play fighting was entertaining. They certainly looked like they were having fun!

Digital Tracker

Awesome pics this week! My favourites would have to be the stunning pic of the wild dogs with that incredible backdrop, and the gorgeous baby elephant!!

Thank you so much, Carly. The pic of the Wild dogs with the gorgeous sky behind is stunning.

Senior Digital Ranger

Stunning TWIP Sean! Simply cannot choose one this week.

Counting the sleeps until we are back with you all again.

Thank you so much, Jane. I am sure you are so excited to be coming back.

These pictures were so fun to see plus such a variety of animals. Like you said, they looked happy as I did seeing these wonderful pictures you give us every day. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you soon!

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