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Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on An Evening on the Londolozi Airstrip

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What an encounter with the elephants chasing the lions away. I wonder what caused the elephants to be so aggressive towards the lions? Maybe just instinct or territorial claim. Thanks Kelsey for the video.

Thank you William, it really was an exciting interaction to witness. Elephants are known to let their protective instincts take over when any predators come too close into their comfort zone!

A great video of those elephants. I love how they are chasing the lions away!

Thank you Christa.

The sir strip is always a great place to see all kinds of animals. And if you turn off the strip you can meet others coming to join the crowds already there. One afternoon we turned of the strip to meet an angry elephant our guide said was in heat and clearly wanted no part of us.We backed right up and he followed for just a bit to make we were leaving! Victoria

The airstrip sure is full of surprises! Always impressive to see the elephants bulls in musth (or heat) but definitely better to stay out of their pathway.

Hundreds of memorable experiences during our visits–unquestionably the most unforgettable, however, was an evening roll down the airstrip with the engine off and the lights out. Incredible sensory experience looking up & viewing the vast, clear winter star-filled sky with the quiet sounds of the bush around us.

Wow! What an evening that must have been Vin. A sensory overload you must think back to often!

I’ve always wondered what you do when there’s animals on the airstrip and you are trying to land?!

A watchful eye and a fair amount of patience are usually required!

Oh Kelsey you gave us a good insight on what’s happening on the airstrip. All the animals seems to be in favor of being open so they can see the predators coming. Loved the lions video thank you so much, they say the lion is the king of the bush but there they fled as the elephants were charging them. Who would not be afraid of the Elephants.

Glad you enjoyed the insight and video Valmai. The elephants are always full of surprises… even for the king of the bush!

Aah, the airstrip….the most wonderful way to arrive at Londo. Every time I arrive, as we drop down and I get my 1st glimpse of the runway I’m practically bouncing off the walls with excitement! That’s mainly because I feel I’m coming “home” but also because of the amazing sightings I’ve had on it. I see a bit of it every day at home, as I have a large canvas picture of Nkoveni and Plaque Rock (at 6 months old) walking along it.
Love the video, by the way.

The airstrip does give you those goosebumps of excitement!! and how special to feel that you are coming “home” each time you arrive here Suzanne – we look forward to welcoming you back home again soon!

Great post Kelsey, and love the accompanying photos and video of the elephants clarifying their point of view vs. the lions!!

Thank you Paul.

Would definitely love to see lions getting chased, while on safari someday! Another item on the bucket list…..

I hope that becomes a bucket list tick for you soon Lisa!

What a great event to witness Kelsey and I’m sure a video that even you rewatch over and over. Thanks for sharing with us 🙏🏻❤️

Loved this post, Kelsey! Such an incredible video as well. It took me right back to landing at the Londolozi airstrip and looking out the window to see you and Bennet welcoming us to the most unforgettable safari experience.

Kelsey, What a great story! You never know what will happen near that landing strip. For us, we dream of the next time we touch down at Londolozi!

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