About the Author

Pete Thorpe

Alumni Ranger

Pete was a Field Guide for Londolozi for 4 years, contributing to the blog as a fantastic writer as well as photographer. Right from his very first bush trip at the age of four, Pete was always enthralled by this environment. Having grown ...

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on Wild Dogs And Leopard Interrupt Our Morning Coffee

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Well at least once a leopard stole a kill instead of being stolen by hyenas or lions… wild dogs is a very appropriate name as they are closely related to dholes in Asia (from a taxonomic point of view ) also called wild dogs over there. They engage in very similar social relationships and the way to kill their prey is (sadly) the same as they eat the animal alive. Wolves have a completely different social structure and kill their prey differently. Now that wild dogs are rapidly increasing in number prey must adapt and so other predators but also wild dogs themselves against competitors such as hyena.

It is difficult for me to see The Kills or even read about them. I understand the reasons but I choose not to view that and its harshness. Your photography is stunning and I do enjoy seeing the animals every day. Thank you.

Hi Leslie,

You’re right – it is very hard to witness such events.

Thanks for the compliments!

Wow! It is crazy. Incredible sighting. Fantastic video.

Hi Pete, I feel breathless just watching that! Have you seen the Piccadilly female’s cub at all recently?

Hi Suzanne,

Yes the cub is alive and well. We see it from time to time around the Manyelethi River in the northern parts of Londolozi.

Master Tracker

Amazing sighting

Senior Digital Ranger

What an exciting coffee break!!!!!

Really amazing. Though when watching the dogs kill the impala I feel sorry indeed for this poor animal because I believe in this case it had to suffer a lot. However, I would like to see these wild dogs myself, of course.

You sure know how to pick a great spot for coffee, Pete! I hope you didn’t waste any Amarula! 🤣

Pete, I loved all the photos, especially the Piccadilly Female Leopard🤗

An awesome morning! I do hope the amarula coffee wasn’t wasted, though!

Action-packed morning, for sure! Good job with the video, Pete.


Now that’s a coffee break to beat all others. Great footage!!

Wow, that’s intense… I love the drama that at any moment anything could happen!

Lucky! Heart pounding excitement!

Senior Digital Ranger

Great footage, but poor impala.

Digital Tracker

Wow! What an exciting morning! What an amazing sight to see!


WOW!! what a morning! when the wild dogs appear it is always exciting, but when you add in the leopard this is truly incredible!! Victoria

Wow, what a coffee break !!! Excitement overload to be sure. Fabulous Pete 🙏🏻💕

Hey Pete – well done and hope you and family are well. Can’t wait to get back in May (travel ban pending). In the meantime keep teasing us with the great shots and shares! Cheers!

Pete, what an incredible sighting. Such great luck! Talk about being in the right place at the right time! It’s amazing to see the interactions between these different attackers. Seems like we’re seeing a lot more of wild dogs lately. Do they have a homebase on the Londolozi property now?

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10 April, 2798
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