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Guy Brunskill

Alumni Ranger

Guy worked as a ranger for Londolozi from 2017 until the end of 2021. He grew up in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. From a young age he visited the bush each holiday. It was during these early years that his passion and interest was ...

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on The Euphoria of Viewing Elephants on Foot

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My idea of heaven.

Elephant paradise! A soothing -heart view

Incredible and fortuitous capture!!❤️❤️

Guy, what a magical experience. Watching the interactions of each group clearly shows the respect and understanding that the elephants have for each other‘s needs. Hearing the soft rumbling from the first herd followed by the trumpeting arrival of the second group was music to our ears! Thank you.

How fortunate!

Amazing video. That was a huge herd. Always so special to spend time with elephants.

Guy, I loved the Video🤗

When two herds come together do they usually seem to tolerate each other well? This looked fairly peaceful.

Agreed! We have done this and it sends tingles down your spine. To be there, completely unnoticed by the elephants, who have such an interesting hierarchy is amazing. Loved the video! Thanks for sharing your special experience.

What an incredible experience for you! There didn’t seem to be any animosity between the 2 herds, have you ever seen so many elephants together? Thanks so much for videoing this, I love to hear them as well as seeing them.

Wonderful! Just one question, I keep seeing this word ‘riparian’. What does that mean?

Good question Irene; it’s the vegetation growing along the banks of a river…

Senior Digital Ranger

Bliss… could watch them all day! If only……

Absolutely amazing!

Thrilling and goosebump worthy, viewing two herds of elephants whilst concealed in the bush would be every Safaris’s guest dream. Do elephants have much of a sense of smell? Curious if they knew you were there but sensed no danger v

Amazing! Thank you for sharing such a special moment.

Wow, absolutely fantastic!! So many elephants in one spot. Lucky you. I wish I could have been there. When we went for walks last year when I was in Londolozi it was so great, just exhilarating. The best thing in the world one can have is walking in the bush. And watching two huge groups of elephants when on a walk is just the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake!

That is pure joy!

Lovely snippet of ellies enjoying their paddle and drinking water. They DO enjoy this part of their lives, don’t they?
Thanks, Guy! Wendy M

Digital Tracker

Guy, that is an absolutely beautiful video! I’m so glad you captured it and thank you for sharing. What a joy to see so many elephants, including little calves too. Their wonderful rumbles is such a beautiful sound. The epitome of love and joy. So very special and breathtaking.

Senior Digital Ranger


What a huge Herd Guy, must have been magical though I’m sure I would have been a little nervous on foot with so many elephants around. 🙏🏻💕

Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience. It brought back some wonderful memories of similar experiences when I felt both privileged and humbled.

Amazing! What an experience that must have been to spend time with that many elephants.


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