Involved Leopards

Tortoise Pan 4:3 Male

Tortoise Pan 4:3 Male

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Flat Rock 3:2 Male

Flat Rock 3:2 Male

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About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Is the Flat Rock Male Moving On?

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Interesting. I also hope that the Tortoise pan male get pushed out. It is nature, but it will be sad if he kill the cubs.

Thanks James for the detailed explanation on male leopards dynamics. Surely you’ve witnessed interesting occurrences

Very interesting regarding the shifting around of the males for genetic reasons …. this is an education for me…the killing of the Cubs is tough for me to handle emotionally … I understand why but Nature has two sides ….for every living thing ….the mating process … – there is nothing gentle and loving about that to me or it doesn’t seem so from the photos ….come to think of it …. I met a few males in my younger days .. ho hummm brings back memories!!! Thanks – I always enjoy your wonderful and informative pictures, stories. Regards. Leslie L. Kaye

Tortoise Pan and Flat Rock-we had incredible sightings of each.
Thanks for the interesting informationgoing back to 2010.

I’m with you all..I hope the Tortoise Pan male gets the push..certainly don’t want to hear that the Makomsava cub’s may be in danger. 🙏

I think Flat Rock is approaching 7, so I guess he’s pretty much in his prime. If he does push further north, which other males is he likely to encounter (aside from Tortoise Pan)? I’ve rather lost track of who is where, but I think the Senegal Bush male is more central and east? – is Hosana still seen in the north?

Noooo, I don’t want Tortoise Pan to find Makhomsava’s cubbies! Are you thinking that her cubs are Flat Rock’s? Will he push more north in order to protect that space and his cubs?

Is the Flat Rock male the father of the Makomsava’s cubs? Are those cubs safer if he shifts his territory northward?

Interesting. At the moment how many males have territories on Londolozi? Must be 4-5 if that?

This was really interesting. Thanks. Isn’t Hosana on the property north of Londolozi and would Flat Rock pose a threat to pushing him?

James, I loved all the photos, I saved the leopard Flat Rock Male🤗

James, isn’t the Flat Rock Male also being seen more east as well or am I overestimating how frequently he is seen east of Londolozi?

Highly informative and equally intriguing post James. Is there any typical timeline for this type of transition based on the maturation of the Flat Rock male? Additionally, are there other signs you’ll be looking for based the behaviors of previously aging male leopards? Let us know and please keep us posted!

Interesting news about both the Flat Rock male and the Tortoise Pan male. Sorry to hear the latter is such a menace to cubs, as he was the first leopard I saw at Londolozi and fell in love with him at the small pan, whilst he was stalking a lone hippo. That aside, I understand the nature of a young male who if he smells or sees cubs not related to him, will kill them. Has he mated with any of the on site females? There’s always something new within the Londolozi borders.

James that was such an interesting and informative read. I’ve often wondered how lions, leopards, cheetahs ensure a healthy genetic pool while maintaining territorial dominance. Fabulous shots as well!

Ok, James I do have a few questions..
The 4:4 male from 2016. you mention (I read the article) do you know if he’s the father of any of the active leopards now in Londolozi?
And connected with yesterdays article – do you have ever after seen the impala ewe with horns that had been seen in beginning of this year?

James, do you ever see the Hukumuri male leopard anymore…isnt his territory just north of londolozi?

Thanks for this interesting insight into male leopards’ behavior. I like the picture of the Tortoise Pan male, he looks so cute.

James, That makes total sense and we agreee that for the Flat Rock, it is probably his safest move. We have so many photos of him and will miss seeing his powerful physique! Plus, let’s hope those cubs stay safe!

Great trail cam capture!


He is my favourite male leopard of Londolozi and I loved this reserve after learning his story. Saw a video of his battle vs Maxim for Nkoveni and it was breathtaking. This time he knows well what he does. A tactic fighter and a real knight! I hope Makomsava’s cubs will stay safe.

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