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Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on An African Dawn Chorus Meditation

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Amanda you write beautiful blogs. I lie in my bed in the morning waitimg for the dawn chorus to start. The sunbirds calling each other to the feeder outside my window. The bulbuls chatting. Maybe a hadeda. The grey headed bush shrike in the distance. There is something magical about listening to the birds waking up. It give me energy to start my day.

Amanda, I signed up for the 7 days of Mindfulness Challenge

Such a beautiful chorus. I listened while I was getting ready this morning, but I’ll definitely be using it as a background for meditations too. I love the sounds of the morning, and this is a nice alternative to our regularly scheduled bird songs in South Carolina. Thank you.

Senior Digital Ranger

That dawn chorus is sublime as birds sing and then take over from each other, and the sounds crescendo as the sun rises. Those sounds have a place in my heart. Even the buzzing fly is okay! And the snort? A wartie? Thank you.

Thanks for the beautiful photos and video. It is really special to watch the wonderful African sunrise and hear the manifold sounds of Londolozi here in my home.

Incredibly! During the video meditation, every time I wish the sounds of nature were still going on. I even wanted to ask you if you’d do a meditation where we’d only listen to the sounds of animals and the sound of the river, the wind.
But I didn’t want to be demanding (because I know it lasts a long time). And now you put it on… It’s like the universe has fulfilled my wish 🙂

Thank you for your inspiring words this morning. In these troubling times, the sounds of nature, our breaths can help alleviate some of the stress. I wish it was required reading for everyone who is agitated, frustrated and feeling helpless.

This is EXACTLY the sounds I need to start my day, fills my head with happy thoughts of my childhood in the Lowveld and will set me up for a super positive mindset for the day ahead. Wonderful thank you so much 🙏🏻💕💕

It was a warm summer day with the lightest breeze when I popped in my headphones to gives the dawn chorus a listen. It put me into such a state of peace I fell asleep within minutes. This will be the perfect meditation soundtrack. Thanks so much. And if anyone has not yet done the mindfulness challenges yet, do yourself a favour and sign up today!

Absolutely magical, takes me straight back there. Thank you so much, Amanda.

My day begins with coffee on my patio while listening to a huge variety of birds begin their day with their individual song. I smile as I realize that although very different, each melody is wonderful and cheerful and loud! I never tire of it.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks for all the lovely gifts 🙂 I have participated in both challenges and thoroughly enjoyed them, especially the breath work. The second one came at a particularly challenging time for me so it was most welcomed. I find the sounds of our bush absolutely magical and extremely soothing, always a blessing to be able to hear it, even if it’s digitally for the time being 🙂 Much love and a beautiful week to you all

Thank you for the dawn chorus. The last two mornings i made coffee before first light, climbed back into bed, closed my eyes and immersed myself in the start of a day in the bushveld. It set a great tone for the day ahead. So special.

The sounds and sight of sunrise in the bush is a symphony for the senses. Can almost smell the dewy earth too. Perfection. Thank you!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for the Dawn Chorus Amanda. We are fortunate to have early morning birdsong here, Heuglins (Robin Chat), various Doves and others but think nothing quite beats the awakening bush dawn and sounds. First time I listened, was also just waiting for the low distant rumble of Landrovers, arriving to take us on another adventure!

So beautiful. Would love this as my alarm clock sound to wake to each working day. Hope to get to your beautiful country when this COVID-19 madness ends.

Amanda, Just getting caught up on everything from the past weeks. The Dawn Chorus is just incredible and it is the perfect way for us to start our day…. Remembering the beautiful mornings at Londolozi! Thanks for the wonderful meditations and we are hoping for more “challenges” in the future! 🙂

Love your blog ! Thank you for sharing . I go to sleep , AND wake up with the chorus !! You are very fortunate to stay, and to be in nature every day !!!!😉

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