Involved Leopards

Inyathini 3:3 Male

Inyathini 3:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
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Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
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About the Author

Pete Thorpe

Alumni Ranger

Pete was a Field Guide for Londolozi for 4 years, contributing to the blog as a fantastic writer as well as photographer. Right from his very first bush trip at the age of four, Pete was always enthralled by this environment. Having grown ...

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on The Week in Pictures #430

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Love all the pictures as always but particularly today the one of the Swallows. Looking forward to seeing them back in Europe before too long – it means that summer can’t be too far away!

Wow! Stunning pics Pete. Love the zebra and the elephant.

Another wonderful week of sharing life in the bush with you all! particularly cheering as we are waiting each day for more bad about the corona virus. thank you for being a bright spot in our day! Victoria

Hello Pete,
Beautiful photos! I especially like the picture of the Southern carmine bee-eater, the eye of the Nile crocodile! Pure art! The photo of the young giraffe was very good. Beautiful picture of the green-backed heron! Longing back that’s for sure! Thank you for sharing!

Your post is bright and beautiful this week and after reviewing your images a couple of times, I have to say a few popped for me: Zebra at sunset, croc eye and the bull elephant. I was supposed to check in to Founders on the 26 March for five days but a double fractured arm, ended my hoped for leopard cub sighting trip. So, I’ll be living vicariously through all of you and your staffs’ blogs and photos until I can book again

Pete, I loved the photo of the young giraffe, and the photo of the cheetah, and the Birmingham Lion🤗
Great work getting all those photos!

Hi Pete, great selection as always! Was wondering how the presence of the Nkuhuma Pride will impact the Tsalala Lioness and her daughter? I know they have been around the Sand River but if the Nkuhumas are set to establish themselves in what was once Tsalala strongholds, surely they are at risk? Also wondering if it might be possible to do a piece on the impact of the Senegal Bush Male’s arrival to Londolozi on the male and leopard dynamics? Dynamics of the various animals are one of my favorite things to dissect and follow, so was curious if that might be something to look forward to in the future

Hi Michael.

We have not seen the Tsalala lioness for some time now, but believe that she has been spending more time in the East in Mala Mala in and out of the Sand River. The presence of the Nkuhuma pride will definitely put pressure on her and her cub, although time will tell how far south the pride will begin to push.

Thanks for the suggestion on a blog.


Master Tracker

Super photos. TWIP is a wonderful weekly treat

Hi Pete. Very good pics and interesting comments from you. Thank you! Particularly loved the Nkuhuma Lion Cub and the young Giraffe pics. Best regards. Wendy M

Oh the eye of that crocodile! Incredible!!

You have beautiful pictures in this article. But what attracted me most was the image of the Nile Crocodile. I saw them in the zoos… but they have never been dotted with such bright green! I feel like it’s the first time I’ve seen a crocodile. I’m thrilled! Beautiful green and nice looking on a crocodile.

You have beautiful pictures in this article. But what attracted me most was the image of the Nile Crocodile. I saw them in the zoos… but they have never been dotted with such bright green! I feel like it’s the first time I’ve seen a crocodile. I’m thrilled! Beautiful green and nice looking on a crocodile. Is that green comming from algae??

You have beautiful pictures in this article. But what attracted me most was the image of the Nile Crocodile. I saw them in the zoos… but they have never been dotted with such bright green! I feel like it’s the first time I’ve seen a crocodile. I’m thrilled! Beautiful green and nice looking on a crocodile. Is that green comming from algae?? koza njegova izgleda kao satelitski pogled na zemlju (google maps/satellite view)

his skin looks like a satellite view of the earth (google maps/satellite view).

I’ll join the group that marveled at the croc eye!

Hey, Pete. Yet more great photos. Love seeing them. Reminds me of our time there and how exciting it all was. Can’t wait to come back. Hope everyone is coping with this pandemic and is staying healthy. Vahan

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