Involved Leopards

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Tatowa 3:3 Female

Tatowa 3:3 Female

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About the Author

Pete Thorpe

Alumni Ranger

Pete was a Field Guide for Londolozi for 4 years, contributing to the blog as a fantastic writer as well as photographer. Right from his very first bush trip at the age of four, Pete was always enthralled by this environment. Having grown ...

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on The Week in Pictures #412

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Stunning pics Pete. Love the sunrise and the Ximungwe female against the setting sun.

Thanks so much Marinda!

Petter, great photos once again.
A lasting memory (also caught on video) of a cheetah kill we saw on our first visit is the heaving chest after the long sprint. It took quite some time to come to rest.

Hi Vin,

I can only imagine the amount of oxygen required to reach such high speeds… The particular day that this male cheetah made this kill was a very, very hot one. He actually only ate about 40% of it – the following morning vultures were seen finishing it off.

Could the young male lion be the Mhangeni male who was with the Nkuhuma pride on Djuma for a time? The Nkuhumas now have nine cubs and the Avoca coalition, (two of them amyway) have been in constant attendance and as such the Mghangeni male does not appear to be with them anymore. It’s just a thought, not sure, but maybe some one else can help……. Really enjoy these blogs, very interesting, thank you.

Hi Annie,

Michael Fleetwood seems to have the same theory as you regarding the ID of that young male lion. It would make sense that he is being pushed away by older males such as the Avoca coalition. Thanks for the comments

Pete, The Tatowa female is amazing. Looks like she has full belly. TWIP just keeps getting better and better. Thanks

Thank you for the compliments!

Pete you have absolutely out done yourself this week with stunning images! I am happy to hear a update that Talsala’s cub is still well and unharmed. I was blown away by your sunset image with the eagle (perfectly composed), and loved the action shot of Ximunigwe leaping up the tree toward her kill. All such great captures and variety this week. There….I’ve gushed enough!

Thanks a lot Joanne. It is a lot of fun taking pictures but more rewarding sharing them and hearing the joy that they bring to others!

Wonderful photos! I especially love the leopard shots. The stitched silhouette of the Ximungwe female is very impressive! Thanks for sharing Pete.

Thanks Darlene. My lens was too big for a wide angle so we had to make do.

Master Tracker

The image of the Tatowa female with the impala lamb is the photo of a lifetime for many photographers. Brilliant.

Much appreciated, Ian!

Slim times for the herbivores, but a buffet for the predators. Thank you for another captivating TWIP.

You’re 100% spot on, Doug! Rains predicted this week though, so maybe the tables will turn for the herbivores.

TWIP just gets better and better! Great blog Pete in both prose and photos. Good to see the Ximungwe female doing so well- somehow I had thought she lost her male cub, only raising the female….. saw the two little fluff balls in their rocky den just a year ago. How time flies!

Hi Denise,

You’re right – we had been commentating on the death of the male cub. As the youngster has grown up it is becoming more and more apparent that it is a male – as we observe the region under the tail…

It really is incredible that we are able to watch these animals grow up, from weeks of age right through to independence.

Pete wonderful photos

Thanks Joan!

Hi Pete, the young male lion is the young MHANGENI MALE (born end of 2015) who joined the Nkuhuma Pride in September 2018 and was riddled with mange. He and the young Nkuhuma Male were seen on Londolozi a few months ago, but they for some reason separated after they returned north following their run-in with the Ntsevu Pride and haven’t joined up since.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the update. Do you have a particular identifying feature that you use to keep track of him? Great to keep a track record.

Hi Pete! To me, having seen on often on the WildEarth live safaris, he has a certain look to him to me, but one ID feature that may be useful if you can see it is a distinct scar on his right lip, below his nose, close to his mouth. That’s the noticeable thing for me as his ears are relatively clean and while whisker spot patterns are unique, not sure how much time you’d be able to spend comparing with guests. Hope this helps.

An absolutely incredible gallery!!

Particularly love the shot of the Ximungwe female in the tree and the Walhberg’s eagle and the sunset.

Thanks Callum!

Pete, Awesome post. We loved the Ximungwe female jumping and seeing that her son is doing so well!

Hi Michael and Terri! Thanks so much. I’m glad to hear Safari Sarasota was a success.

Senior Digital Ranger

Good stuff…thanks

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