Having been an avid follower of The Week in Pictures myself prior to joining Londolozi, it is always a privilege to share some of my own experiences from this little paradise now that I can proudly call this my home.
This week I draw inspiration from a few different areas: i) Bruce Arnott’s display of achievements with his fixed 400mm lens from last week; ii) Callum Evans’ account as to how the blog continues to bring him inspiration on a daily basis (something to which I can relate) and iii) Alex Jordan’s black and white photo feature, which influenced my editing this week.
For me, this week has been one for the sunrises. As the sun is rising later each day, we are currently lucky enough to be out on morning game drive when the sun starts to break above the horizon. This has provided for some breathtaking moments out there, and has also provided some fantastic golden light for capturing the special sightings that we have been exposed to this week.
Following on from last week, the lions have not ceased to disappoint. The Birmingham males have been seen a number of times, still associating with the Ntsevu lionesses. The remaining three lions of the Tsalala pride were seen hunting near to camp more than once. Elephants have been plentiful as they are drawn to the fruiting marula trees. Leopard sightings have continued to please, with one notable occasion being when the Tamboti female happened across the Ximungwe female (previously known as the Mashaba young female – look out for a feature on her next week) resulting in a tremendous fight that left both leopards slightly scratched up.
Without further ado, let us let nature do the talking.
Enjoy this Week in Pictures…
Having been viewed by vehicles from an early age, this leopard is supremely relaxed around Land Rovers.
She is occasionally seen around the far north west corner of Londolozi, and is generally quite relaxed around vehicles.
Awesome pics Pete. Love the birds with the full moon and the last one of the Birmingham male. Looking forward to the feature of the Mashaba young female. Is the younger Tsalala the one that was born to the tailed Tsalala that passed away recently. It was a few years ago or is it a newer female? It is quite sad that there are only three left of the pride.
Hi Marinda,
Thanks for your comment! Yes, the lioness I refer to is the daughter of the tailed lioness that recently passed away. She was born in 2013 along with the three Tsalala males that are now nomadic.
Pete if I look again at your photos all that is left of the pride is the Tailless, the young female and a very young male. I read the older blogs now and see that the daughter of the tailed lioness that was always chased by the Magingilane was born in 2011. Is she still alive?
I love all the photos of the animals, but really found the star photography fascinating. Thanks for sharing, Pete.
It’s always great to receive positive feedback, thanks Darlene.
Hi Pete,
Excellent pictures. Peggy and I remember them well. We again thank you and Ben for the best of experiences…
It was a pleasure having you two, John! We hope to see you both again soon, maybe for another night around the fire?
Wonderful photos Pete. I look forward to this feature every week as the variety of images is intoxicating. I so love Africa and all of its inhabitants, that the daily blog is a bit of a safari substitute since I can’t travel there every year. I appreciate your including the camera settings as it’s a great learning tool. I’m fascinated by the back stories of the lion and leopard families. I’ll stay tuned!
Thank you, Denise! I too once longed for the daily blog as my safari substitute. I’m glad it brings you a touch of joy each week. The lion and leopard never cease to amaze us out here.
Thanks for the setting on that great Milky Way picture, Pete! Loved the others as well.
Pleasure, Michael.
Hi Peter! Great shots and great memories. Yes, the roaring of the lions will never be forgotten. I look forward another visit, and meanwhile, I’ll make do with the blog….
Hi Peggy!
Great to hear from you and John. I’m sure you recognise most of the images from the sightings we shared together. What a way to end off with those roaring lions! Hope to see you both back here again soon.
Great images! I especially like the black and white night images of the lion and the leopard. They fit their lifestyle.
Hi Betty-Lou,
Thanks for your input! I do agree with you with regards to the black and white images. Sometimes a simple switch away from colour can make an image so much more emotional.
They are all stunning Pete, but I really the love the night sky & well done to you both for getting the tree to look so lovely Thank you & have a great weekend further & week ahead!
Thank you, Wendy! We recently played around with some more night sky images so keep a look out for more. You have a great week too.
Some awesome images, Pete! The male kudu in the golden light is stunning. Thanks!
Thank you, Mary Beth. Glad you enjoyed the images!
I love the cover photo and the shot of the Ingrid Dam’s Cub on the road, not to mention that stunning waterbuck!! And thanks so much for mentioning my blog in the intro, really means a lot to me! I’m also glad that my blog is having a small impact and is inspiring people!
Howzit Callum,
I’m glad you enjoyed the images. I see on instagram you are taking some epic shots yourself. Keep it up and hopefully we will have you out here one day, snapping some shots of the animals you read about on the blog!
A visual feast, thanks Pete! Always on the look out for your posts.
Hi Jenny!
What a wonderful surprise to hear from you. I’m glad you have been following the posts. I hope to see you up this side of the country sometime soon. All the best.