Involved Leopards

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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About the Author

James Souchon

Field Guide

James started his guiding career at the world-renowned Phinda Game Reserve, spending four years learning about and showing guests the wonder of the incredibly rich biodiversity that the Maputaland area of South Africa has to offer. Having always wanted to guide in the ...

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on What’s in a Hoist?

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Suzanne Gibson

Hi James, I’m puzzled – you say the giraffe calf would have weighed over 100kg and this is 3 times the weight of the Anderson male. But Camp Pan was reckoned to weigh over 80kg, and surely the Anderson male is at least as big?

Susan W

Great blog, James!
Also your week in review photos were brilliant! The entire family dreams of being in the back of your Land Rover at Londolozi!!!? Cheers from NYC,
Xxx Susan & the H gang


Amazing! Thank you for educating us!

Senior Digital Ranger

Wonderful James thank you. They are incredible animals & their strength is to be admired! Your pictures are stunning & really show their power. 🙂

Thank u for teaching us. This was incredible.


Thank you for your post! It helps me a lot! Hope for your next post!

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