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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Sparta Lioness Has Been Killed

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Senior Digital Ranger

Oh James this is sad news! I know its a “natural” death, but it is still felt by us your viewers & you the guides! RIP beloved Lioness :'(


how sad . every single lion or loss of one is important . and in this case she left 2 cubs behind.

That is very sad news, James. I am so sorry for the loss of this beautiful, brave Lioness. Were her cubs injured, and will the other two Lionesses in the pride look after her two cubs now?

Martina Welch

Yes this is very sad news indeed. I keep my fingers crossed for the future of her cubs.

I believe there was a video on Lions of Sabi Sand. I chose not to watch. Sad news.

Such very sad news and those poor cubs. As other pride members suckle other cubs, maybe the remaining ladies will ensure the survival of these two. I realize that this is nature, but a very sad ending for a brave and beautiful lioness. RIP.

Very sad as so many of us that follow these great lions through the blog have grown attached the the many prides and lions of londololozi. There is nothing more encouraging than seeing i girls small prides grow into large prides. The untimely death of a mature mother and pride leader is very disheartening but that is the life of wild lions. She died in the wild fighting tooth and claw which is much better than death at the hands of men. Please keep us updated on her pride and Cubs.

Another amazing lion lost 🙁 RIP


The other two lionesses really have to look after the cubs, then they’ll have a chance of survival!


There is no hope on the sparta pride , so what happened to the two cubs ?

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