About the Author

Nick Kleer

Alumni Ranger

Nick joined the Londolozi team from Thornybush Game Reserve, and immediately began revealing his photographic potential, especially in the passion with which he pursued knowledge. An almost fanatical approach to improving his photography has seen him gain a rapid understanding of all the ...

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on What do Lions Dream Of?

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Marion Vollborn

Great Images!
The day was so special and I’m thankfull I was there.
Many greetings

WOW! What an experience.


Any additional info on Dark Mane’s bruises? Was it just some brothers’ scuffle or was there anything else involved now that they seem to regularly be in what is/was Matimba territory for a while? The Matimbas seem to have their work cut out for them…

Senior Digital Ranger

Nick those are fabulous photos – what an experience and thanks for sharing. Was the wound of the first mentioned Majingilane sustained in a fight?

What amazing pictures and an amazing story to go with it. I could easily have sat with you for all of those hours watching these magnificent boys. I hope they steer clear of the Matimbas.


Great photos and text! Majingis are one of my favorite coalitions out there . Dark Mane is carring that nasty wound for some time now. Seems also quite infected and swelled. Were they fighting recently?. And if the answer is affirmative, which lions they were fighting?. Can you give us more information about current lion dynamics? Thanks and keep up the good work! Happy Holidays from Italy 🙂

Digital Ranger

That is Dark Mane with the gash below his left eye.I wonder who they might have been fighting with!!


beautiful pictures of these great cats.

Edouard Paiva

Nick Kleer it is great to see these 3 powerful Black maned Lions, do you know if they did a reasearch on the size and weight of Lions of Londolozi? They really look big


It seems Hipscar prefers to hold down the fort further west. Do you ever see him?

Sensational photography and incredible sighting!!

Great sighting of the Majingilane and fantastic pictures! Hopefully that wound will heal up soon. Thanks for the great update on my favourite coalition Nick!

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow Nick these old boys never cease to amaze me with their courage & determination and battered & bruised as they are, they are still a magnificent sight to behold! Thank you for these amazing pictures & write up. Have a very Happy Christmas with your Londi family 🙂


Hi Nick,
thanks for the photos, where is the 4th Male? Is he still alive?

Nick, absolutely stunning images. Thank you for your persistence!

Absolutely brilliant blog and photographs. An amazing encounter

Thank you for your knowledge and patience to capture these wonderful photos, and share them on the Londolozi blog. Every day I look forward to viewing my one and only blog. The posts are truly special.
Many everyone at a Londolozi enjoy a wonderful holiday season.
Barbara Weyand

Anastasia Dionyssiou

These lions and photos of them are incredible. How did you capture such clear pictures with them moving in such low light?

Senior Digital Ranger

How many members are still alive of the Majingilane?

Hi Henk. There are four..


where is the 4th male?

Incredible images. Amazing experience.

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