About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on The Week in Pictures #198

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Incredible pics this week Amy. Love the wilddogs.


Beautiful pictures Amy,great sightings this week.The Dudley 5:5 male is thought to have lost his eye in a fight against what was arguably his nemesis,the Marthly male,in 2013.It’s good to see that the Anderson male is being sighted more frequently in Londolozi,has he reached the Sand River by now?

Thanks Alex, that’s great to know. Interesting as the Dudley Riverbank 5:5 male reminded me a lot of the Marthly male with his torn ear and battered face. The Anderson male has been sighted mostly around Ximpalapala Koppies and further north of that; I have not heard of any reports of him around the river yet. We’ll be sure to keep you updated with his movements.


Thanks Amy


Awesome shot of that adult giraffe bull and the wild dog pups. I bet they were quite the annoying bunch to him.

Wow – such a great collection of pictures. I am just home now for two weeks since being at Londolozi and it feels like months, but those pictures instantly take me back! Thanks so much for posting!

Brian C

Great photos. Loved Mashaba female interacting with the hyena. She and the cubs look great (keeping fingers crossed). The giraffe and the wild dogs was also a very interesting picture. The charismatic 5:5 (Airstrip) male has been blind in one eye ever since a fight with the Marthly Male on MM 1 and 1/2 to 2 years ago. Back then the Marthly male was truly a massive, intimidating powerhouse. How things have changed! Its good to see 5:5 though— he has been very successful so far. The leopard dynamics are almost as chaotic as the lions right now!

Master Tracker

Amazing pictures, the wild dog pup by water is a once in a lifetime photo, and highlights the importance of trying to get down as low as possible for the shot.

Tim Kim

Thanks for sharing the great pictures and some explanations, Amy. From the explanation below the picture, I could learn that Matimba chased the Tsalala^^ Thanks. Please keep us posted with detail as much as you can. As many as pictures and videos^^

Tim Kim

Can you tell me how many young males in Mhangheni Pride? As I know, there are 8 members in Mhangheni. Is he the one of Sparta young males?

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow Amy you have made my Friday night & weekend very special with these awesome pictures! I also loved the Wild Dog pups annoying the BIG Giraffe 🙂 and all the others too. Have a fantastic weekend 🙂

Thank you, Amy, for another wonderful week. Love seeing Mashaba. First saw her in 2010 with her baby, & now she is a mother again. Does anyone know what has happened to Camp Pan?

Jill Grady

Stunning pictures Amy! I especially love the Giraffe in the sunrise…really beautiful, and the Wild Dog pups with the big Giraffe…what a great shot, and also the Wild Dog pups getting a drink. All really fantastic pictures and a great blog. Thank you for a great week in pictures!

Vivienne Riley

Wow Amy – fantastic photos! Love the leopard silhouette. Sorry I missed the wild dogs, but glad they are back and looking good. Thanks for posting.


I read the matshipiri males are the mapogo sons can anyone confirm this?

No they are not some thought they might be the Othawa young males who left in 2011 but they arent

Ursula Jorch

fabulous photos, Amy! Thanks for sharing them with us. Always happy to see ellies 🙂 and love the leopard faces. I wanted to email you something – will you email me and I’ll reply?


Cheers blair. I didn’t think so but would of been pretty great it was true.

Hi Amy, somehow we got the same pics as you, can you believe it?
Love, Yvette and Jos

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