About the Author

Dave Varty


Dave's story is too full and rich to tell in a brief blog bio. Suffice it to say that it is due to his passion, hard work and lifelong dedication to conservation that Londolozi is what it is today. One of the co-founders ...

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on London to Londolozi for Lunch

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Dave, this is very exciting! Will Airlink be a connection out of J’burg? My daughter and I are in the planning stages of a return trip to Londolozi next year and would love to take advantage of the quickest route! It is a long way from Atlanta, Ga….but well worth it for a few days at Londolozi!!

Hi Kim. Yes, absolutely, SA Airlink will connect from Jo’burg and Cape Town as well- a definite option to get you to the lodge swiftly!

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh what a pleasure! Long may the Varty family be involved in Londolozi & Airlink get its guests there safely <3

Lewis Zwick

Dave; this has nothing to do with your post. Reading Cathedral of the Wild and look forward to visiting Londolozi in October.

Jill Grady

Very exciting news Dave! I will definitely look into flying Airlink from Jo’burg when I am able to return to Londolozi.

Love the history. Glad to take the time to travel to Londolozi from Florida!!!

Trevor Patrick

Hi Dave I really enjoy the way you recount the amazing Londos history. We need more of those fireside tales. I would guess we shared a flight or two to Phalaborwa on my many trips to the mine there and, knowing what I know now, wish I had continued the journey with you to Londos in those days. It is so amusing when I think back to the fact that the airfare for the Rand Airport to Phalaborwa flight on that grand old Dakota DC 3 was a whole R15….. return.
Best wishes Trevor

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