About the Author

Nick Kleer

Alumni Ranger

Nick joined the Londolozi team from Thornybush Game Reserve, and immediately began revealing his photographic potential, especially in the passion with which he pursued knowledge. An almost fanatical approach to improving his photography has seen him gain a rapid understanding of all the ...

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on The Week in Pictures #194

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Thanks a lot. Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures! Look at those beautiful creatures.

I am really sad about the news of Sparta lionesses. Do you know what had happened to them? Who attacked them?


Hallo Jo

I am a wildlife artist and I absolutely enjoy looking at your photography, escpecially with your new camera. Thanks for sharing it.


Hi, it’s Nick who share his wonderful photos. Not me.

Stunning pics this week Nick. Love the sunset. Awesome lion images.

Jan van der Walt

Awesome Photographs! Hoping to visit Londolozi soon!

Mike Ciaccia

Awesome pics! Really sad about Sparta, we viewed them at 8 strong last year and can’t believe they are down to 2. Gotta think the Birmingham boys are most likely coalition to make moves in sabi sands after they have been pushing the Matimbas around for the past 2 weeks. Can’t wait to see what happens.

Great pictures! I feel bad for the monkey.
Can you please update us on what happened to the Sparta Pride? There were 7 when we were there. If the 3 boys were kicked out that should have left 4 females alive and well. I can’t believe there are only 2 left. This is so sad.

What amazing shots. Love the leopard cubs.
Hope they grow and enrich the line for many ears to come.

Your superb photos of the wonderful creatures at Londolozi go a long way toward keeping us connected to that extraordinary place. We can’t wait to get back. Thank you!

Nice images, Nick! And you finally got that Mark II – congrats!

Wendy MacNicol

Very lovely pic of the Sparta lioness. You have caught a most interesting expression in the eyes! Thank you, Nick. Wendy M

These great photos are really raising the excitement level for my visit in early November!

Master Tracker

Great pictures, I have a Canon 6D and think that the 7DMk11 would be a very useful stablemate especially for wildlife and airshows.

Michael Klauber

Nick, Great images! So happy to hear you got the new 7D! Still thinking about our special hippo sighting with you! Ready to do it again now! 😉 Best, Michael & Terri

Nick your photo’s are fabulous! Great job on the blog!! We can’t wait to return in 2017 we wish it was sooner! Take care, Terri

Thank you everyone for the kind words. I really appreciate them!! The young Sparta males left the pride a while back now and then there was a body found on Sabi Sabi to our south of a lioness who we presume is one of the Sparta lionesses because she has not been seen for a few weeks now. The young Sparta lioness has also not been seen for a few weeks now but possibly is still alive and well. We can only hope but it is a tough life for these animals!!

Digital Ranger

Lovely photos and great blot too.. enjoyed reading thoroughly. Will be in Sabi sands in couple of weeks from now, however your blog inspires me to plan visit to this place on my next trip to SA..

Nick, continue your fabulous work and keep posting stuff for wildlife enthusiasts like us to enjoy watching and reading.

Thank you once again.

Brian C

Wonderful photos, especially of the big cats. The Sparta lioness looks a little vulnerable— its a great shot. So sad to hear about their troubles. Hopefully, they can rebound.

Jill Grady

Beautiful images Nick! I’m so sorry to hear the sad news for the Sparta pride and the loss of at least one Lioness and possibly two. Life is so hard for these beautiful animals.

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