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Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on Photographic Journal: Asking Quietly To Borrow From the Bushveld

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Stunning images!

Thanks so much, Marinda 🙂

David Bourceraud

Beautiful images Amanda thank you for sharing ! I look forward to be back at Londo in October and see “The heavens open” as in your photo (my favourite)…

Looking forward to meeting you, David. I do love that photo, as well. The curve of the road and the vista is my favourite.

Senior Digital Ranger

The heavens open actually made me ache to be there again.

Thank you so much for your comment, Leslie. That shot is also one of my favourites. I was out in the bush yesterday evening, and it made me think that that shot definitely epitomises the drama and beauty of this place. We look forward to having you back again soon!

If only I could experience the incredible experience I have seen in your blogs.
The leopard sightings are really something.
My best experience, so far, is in the Sth Luangwa N.P. Maybe one day I will get to Londolozi. Next year I hope to join Graham Cooke at Kafunta. I enjoy seeing what is going on at Londolozi.

Thank you so much for your comment, Mary. We would definitely love to have you come and visit us at Londolozi in the near future. The leopards will be waiting!

Amazing set of images Amanda, how did you achieve that stunning effect with the black and white leopard images? I also love the sunbird

Thanks so much, Rich 🙂 The leopard photo is an example of one of my favourite editing techniques at the moment. I use the trusty adjustment brush in Lightroom to over-expose any unnecessary clutter in the image, and generally select three different components of the shot to accentuate. Here it was the beautiful pose of the leopard coming down the tree, the tree itself and the beautiful white, clean background. It is a very effective technique and one that I will explore in an upcoming editing tutorial, so stay tuned!

Senior Digital Ranger

Spectacular photos. The quiet, watching eye of Ele speaks volumes. Thank you.

Thank you so much, Jenny. I must say, that is also one of my favourites. I have a very ‘healthy’ respect for Ellies (Read: quite terrified of them), and really do love spending time with them as I get more and more comfortable around them.

Beautiful, Amanda. I couldn’t pick a favorite. I loved them all. We can’t wait to get back to Londolozi in August, 2016!

Thank you so much, Judy! I am so glad that you liked them 🙂

Maureen Howard

How talented you are Amanda! These images are some of the most beautiful photography I have seen. I am coming to Londolozi next month and so excited. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for the kind comment, Maureen. It is much appreciated! Looking forward to meeting you next month. Please do pop up to the Creative Hub for a visit 🙂

A beautiful journal, Amanda, and a lovely blog! I could picture myself out there in the bush with you…and the Makotini male at sunset and the sunbirds the next morning! Eagerly awaiting that next tutorial, too!

Thank you for the comment, Mary Beth- so lovely to hear from you! Next time you and Bob are here, I will most definitely be coming out with you to play around with our photography. My next tutorial is coming up this week, so stay tuned!

Jill Grady

Incredibly beautiful images Amanda! I love the evening light on the Makotini male and stunning image of the Dudley Riverbank young female coming down the tree, but the image of the heavens opening had a strong emotional impact for me and brought back so many lovely memories of game drives and just breathing in every magical moment while I was there.

Ah, Jill, exactly my reasons for choosing that shot to share with you. I am so glad that you enjoyed the images, and thanks so much for the comment!

I never tire of the wonderful images from Londolozi but also enjoy the narrative that accompanies them. Thank you

Thank you for your comment, Janice. I find it quite hard to find the right words to accompany the images sometimes as the two art forms are so different. I am glad you enjoyed both!

Beautiful photos and words Amanda 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

Thanks so much, Ryan 🙂

James Tyrrell

Amazing pics Mands!!!

I really love the black and white leopard coming down the tree …a real favorite

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow absolutely stunning pictures Amanda. I love all the different colours shown in each one. Thank you & have a wonderful weekend in that part of Heaven <3

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