About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on World Elephant Day 2015: My ‘Om’ Moment with an Elephant

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Andrea such a special moment with the elephant bull. They are such wonderful intelligent animals. Thanks for sharing.

Master Tracker

I once gave an Elephant a bath, her name is Lucy and she worked at a camp in India. Every day the Mahoot would take her and the guests down to the river and would bathe her. She would lie down in the water lift up a leg and a guest would wash her with a yard broom. One day I persuaded them to let her have two baths that day. You could tell she was very happy.
A lovely moment and not one photo.
If you can, there was a book published called Travels With My Elephant and Lucy was the pachyderm in question.

What an amazing experience Ian!

Senior Digital Ranger

Andrea, that is truly a moment you won’t ever forget & I’m sure you finished the rest of your walk very quickly, with even more wonderful memories. Thank you

Brian C

That was an awesome encounter with an elephant–and it made me laugh. I don’t think I would have been as calm.

Wendy MacNicol

I suppose it wouldn’t have been wise to share your chocolate even though it wasn’t the “much more munch bar” kind of chocolate. You might have caused the bull elephant to change into a chocoholic bull ellie and follow you back to camp like Mary with her Little Lamb! Lovely moment with the ellie, Andrea. They are VERY special animals. After reading Lawrence Anthony’s book THE ELEPHANT WHISPERER I am totally hooked – but cautious with it. They are SO HUGE! Wendy M

Senior Digital Ranger

What a wonderful heat pounding encounter! No where can you experience such things than in your little corner of paradise! Thank you for sharing!


I recently experienced my first wonderful visit to Londolozi & saw these fabulous beasts in their native surroundings & later at Knysna Elephant Park fed & stroked these glorious animals- am still on a high! Brilliant

Jill Grady

What an incredible encounter Andrea! Elephants are such amazing, intelligent animals and I love the way they care for and look after each other. Thank you for sharing such a special moment.

James T

Awesome story Ands. Loved it!

David Bourceraud

Awesome encounter Andrea thanks for sharing ! Magic power of (Swiss ?) chocolate bar on human and animal… Our best encounter with the elephants was during our first stay in South Africa in October 2012 in the Timbavati. 2 hours in the middle of a huge group of elephants with two small and funny babies arriving from nowhere in the bush and trees. Definitely one of our best, intense and unforgettable moment in the bush for Sandrine and I. Special thanks to our tracker Jacky and our (already) ranger Andrea Campbell !!!

Thanks David!

What a lovely story Andrea – loved reading it. I love those relaxed encounters with elephants – it is such a privilege to have their trust and to feel their ancient wisdom and energy – so special!

Thanks Debbie, they really do have an incredible energy!

What a great experience that must have been!!! I haven’t had the priviledge yet of seeing these beautiful creatures in their natural setting, but one day I hope to! Thank you for sharing! Pics are amazing, too!!

Lizeka Masilela

Great photos.

What a magical experience Andrea. Thanks for sharing. Love the ‘stacks on the mill’ shot of the bulls and the ears of the baby. Truly beautiful creatures.

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