About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on The Impressive Case of the Klipspringer

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Great blog Andrea. Interesting facts. Always nice to see Klipspringer on the koppies.

David Bourceraud

Thanks for the very interesting blog Andrea. It’s not the best known animal and the most requested by visitors I think? Now we know more about Klipsspringer ! I have not seen yet and I hope we’ll be lucky in a few weeks…

Pat Meadowcroft

Yes I saw one on my first drive with Andrea as my guide! I remember the fast little clicks if its hooves on the rocks as they so expertly hopped from rock to rock. It was an amazing siting. I will never forget any of our adventures into the bush. Andrea’s sharp eye for sitings and then the sharing of her knowledge of the species made me fall in love with South Africa’s wildlife and nature! Hats off to the guides and trackers. Well done!

Thanks Pat! I am so glad I managed to find one for you and that you get to relive those memories through our blog posts.

Gerald Wilson

These are great pictures. I am greatly looking forward to my trip.
It is nice to experience the natural habitat of the animals. You are never disappointed.

Brian C

Thanks for profiling this little antelope. Would love to see one running around the koppies.

Jill Grady

Very interesting blog Andrea and I loved the pictures. I did see two Klipspringer 2 years ago while on game drive with Mark and Lucky and really loved their grace and beauty. I didn’t realize how elusive they were though. Thank you for all the interesting facts.

Judy/Andrew Smith

Andrea, wonderful photos and accompanying info. We too searched for the dear little klipspringer on our last visit to you in April (with Brett W. remember?) but failed.It’s a favourite of ours. One photo we have from a few years ago. Maybe next time at Londoz!
Delighted you’re back in action.

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