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Sean Cresswell

Alumni Ranger

Sean is one of the humblest rangers you are likely to meet. Quietly going about his day, enriching the lives of the many guests he takes out into the bush, it is only when he posts a Week in Pictures or writes an ...

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on The Week in Pictures #187

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Stunning images this weej k Sean. Awesome capture of the African Darter. Great to see the yellow billed ixpeckers so far down south.

Outstanding set of images and descriptions, well done sean and thanks for sharing.


Thanks so much for sharing, Sean! Absolutely love the Ellie Bull trying to improve his mood- you have managed to capture such a great moment that would normally be overlooked.

Totally enjoyable set of photos Sean WELL DONE!!! Loved the darter and the first hippo pic with the water droplets. The Mashaba female has to be my favourite though – your experiment worked exceptionally well!

Thank you, Alice, I enjoy continuing to experiment with photography – it is the best way to learn! Especially in the digital era…

Excellent blog Sean. Great writing and captions. No particular favourite, all are good!

Trevor & Colleen

Hi Kate hope all good. How cool is that …. a recent blog describing the yellow billed Oxpecker and red billed Oxpecker and now a photo with both perfectly in frame. Great job. Greetings to all.

Hi Trevor and Colleen, all well here! Hope you’ll be visiting us again soon? I was so happy to see Sean’s photo of the two oxpeckers… We will have to use this picture in the oxpecker blog that you read!

Every time I see a fantastic picture of young Mashaba I have a big smile on my face. We saw her with her mom when she was just showing herself. So happy she is growing & finding her place. Looking forward to seeing her again next year.

Arden, that makes the leopard viewing so much more exciting! Looking forward to having you back next year, and hopefully more viewing of the pretty Mashaba young female; certainly she will be fully territorial by then!

Love the nighttime picture of Mashaba! She is so dainty and elegant. Also love the Tsalala boys. I am still amazed at how much they have grown since seeing them in January. They no longer look like babies. Of course, all of the pictures are terrific and bring a smile to my face. Thank you! 🙂

My pleasure, Loretta. We will continue to keep you updated with their growth!

Jill Grady

Great blog and wonderful pictures Sean!! I can’t pick a favourite, they’re all really fantastic. Thank you for sharing!

I love the ‘bookend’ shot of the yellow and red billed oxpeckers either side of the Buffalo’s head, which would have passed me by had you not pointed it out. Fantastic shot.

A shot I have seriously been desperately waiting for, for a long long time! It came out better than I had hoped, with the Red-billed counterpart completing the frame 🙂



Enjoyed all the pictures! Thank you. They are all very nice. My heart always skips a beat when I see the Nanga female, though! She is stunning!

Kim, I would love to complete an entire catalogue exclusively of the Nanga female one day; so striking and soft, while often surrounded by rocks or river sand. A dream.

Senior Digital Ranger

Stunning pictures Sean! I also think the two Oxpeckers is fantastic & I’m sure not a common sighting, but they are all outstanding now I am ready for the next masterpieces 🙂

Andy Cresswell

Great pics and post….love the one most, pride having a dop !


These are great. We miss Londolozi so much already and have been looking at our own photos and videos nonstop. We look forward to seeing some more skillful pix of the sightings at camp (Mr Anderson, perhaps?)

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