About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on Have you Ever Seen Animals Behave Like This? Humour in the Wild…

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Great blog Andrea. Awesome pics. Love the elephants and lion cubs. We had our fair share of funny baboon moments in Kruger. Them and the monkeys are always good for a laugh.


I have seen lots of humorous primates, including myself last year trying to figure out how to get in and out of the jeeps. This year I was provided a step stool that improved the end result. I did not land on my helper!
loved all the pics esp the leopard.

Bravo! I especially love the babies – the elephant stuck on the log and the lion cubs.

Jill Grady

Great blog and these are all fantastic pictures Andrea! I absolutely LOVED every one of them and they gave me such a laugh! You’re so fortunate to be able to see all these very beautiful animals every day and enjoy all the interactions…it must bring such joy and peace to your life. Thank you so much for sharing these with us.

Loved every photo, Andrea! So humorous!

What a hoot. Loved the elephant shots and the Wild dog with the painted toe nails!
I filmed an Australian magpie in my backyard recently playing with a ball of grass and literally doing somersaults, with two mates looking on as if saying ‘what are you doing?’.
I bet we provide the animals with a few good laughs at times!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Andrea these are lovely & I envy you the moments that you were there seeing them. Keep the pictures flowing & enjoy the rest of the week 🙂

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