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Don Heyneke

Alumni Ranger

Don guided at Londolozi between 2013 and 2018, developing into a specialist photographic guide during his time here.

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on A Photographic Journal: Experimenting in Monochrome

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Senior Digital Ranger

I think photographers (artists) like Ansel Adams have made b/w timeless. I also think it takes a special eye to see what shots look best in b/w and that you have that talent. I think my favorite of the ones you shared is the Sparta young males in morning light. You can really study his face and his brothers head seems like a mirror image.

Hi Leslie, thank you for your insightful response. I like how you took note of the mirror image. I completely agree with you, Ansel Adams has timeless black and white landscape photography. It is almost if he paints with light.

Brian C

Monochrome really enhances the photo sometimes. Textures can really stand out in black and white. I would be really curious to see the same photos in color. Big cats, zebras, elephants, rhinos make great subjects. There are so many beautiful monochromes in this series. I really like Tutlwa on the granite boulder with the black background. She looks very fierce.

Brain, I like how you have taken note of how textures can be enhanced. There are a couple of the above images I really liked in colour, notedly the Nanga and the curious one and the half portrait of the Mashaba female. Any images in particular you would like to see in colour?


Love what you’ve created with your black and white photo’s.
Stunning and evocative … brings me to the stillness inside myself as i view them – really lovely – thank you.

Thank you Linda, glad it brought out a positive emotion for you.

These are very, very good!! No…they are not too far from reality at all. Gives a different perspective on reality; the details we either can’t see or miss. Some of these would be good in color. But, I love the B&W…B&Ws are timeless!! They will never go out of style! You’ve got some amazing photos here!!!

Kim, I really like your take on the photos. The idea is to give the viewer the opportunity to interpret the subject/story of an images in his or hers perspective. However I do believe it is important that they don’t loose a feel of reality.

Awesome stuff Don!! Love that Piva pic! Insane! Keep up the good work!


I am in awe at the power these monochrome images hold that offer a strength , intensity and depth of its subjects that color can not match. It forces one to stare and not glance into the eyes of majingilane male knowing full well the fierceness of this predator while there seems to be a curiosity in his piercing eyes. The moodiness of the Styx male is my favorite although it was no easy choice.
Thank you for sharing these moments in time with such precision and thought.

Bernice you have taken a insightful approach to the images you mention. I have the same feeling with the mood is the photo of the styx male.


Stunning – to portray the animals in mono!

Thank you Eleta!

Great Post Don and a fascinating array of images. There are many that I like, however I feel the Zebra texture is so beautifully done so that one is my favourite. I also love the use of white space in many of your images. What are some of your thoughts and inspirations for photography that you are wanting to experiment with moving forward in 2015?

Thanks Rich, and thanks for the help. I am thinking of going on the opposite end of the scale and focusing on marco photography with intense colours. What are your thoughts? Anything else trending in the photographic scene for 2015?

Wida du Plessis

Stunning, stunning, stunning! Thanks for sharing.

Wow! I’ve just started experimenting with b&w, turning some of my shots from my recent stay at Londolozi into monochrome – and you’ve inspired me, Don! I’ve always wondered if there a right way and a wrong way to do b&w, I think you convincing show that there’s not; that it’s all about personal preferences -and emotions! Thanks, Don!

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