Involved Leopards

Nanga 4:3 Female

Nanga 4:3 Female

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Nick Kleer

Alumni Ranger

Nick joined the Londolozi team from Thornybush Game Reserve, and immediately began revealing his photographic potential, especially in the passion with which he pursued knowledge. An almost fanatical approach to improving his photography has seen him gain a rapid understanding of all the ...

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on Thrilling Viewing: Nanga’s Newborn Leopard Cub

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Lynn Rattray

Amazing! I was blessed to spend time with Nanga and her first liter. I would love to know how the surviving cub is doing, as he was forced into independence so early. Please tell me he’s alive and well. Nanga is the most amazing leopard. So beautiful!! And such a good nurturing mother. I would so love to be there watching her again. Thanks so much for this fantastic post!

Hi Lynn

Her son from the first litter is still alive and well and is occasionally seen in the very north of the property. She is an incredible mother and seems to be doing a great job with this little guy! Thank you for the kind words.

Brian C

So exciting to see the new Nanga cub. The Nanga female is high on my wish list of leopards to see (it is admittedly a big list!). She is surrounded by some bigger, stronger, more experienced female leopards, yet has been very successful. Since the end of 2014, I have not heard any news of her independent male cub (born 2013). There’s been some interesting changes in male leopard dynamics on Londolozi and to the north. I hope Nanga Young male was not a casualty of all this.

Hi Brian thank you for your concern, he is alive and kicking and a very good looking cat. The changes have indeed been quite dramatic.

Beautiful photos and blog! Thank you Nick.

Pat Meadowcroft

The photographs are amazing! The bright blue eyes of the cub & the gold colored eyes of the leopard seem to look right through you! Thank you for reminding me of what I love about Africa

Hi Pat

Thank you for the message. Those eyes feel like they penetrate your soul!

Wonderful photos. I had the pleasure of seeing Nanga and her cub earlier this month. He is so beautiful and she’s a great mom.

Hi Caroline

How incredible is it to be with them!! One of the most amazing experiences on earth. Very glad you were lucky enough to spend time with them!!

What a fabulous post, my heart is melted! …and a great view of the foot pad, good to see what produces those wonderful and unique prints that we followed on several occasions.
When do the eyes of the Cubs loose that amazing blue colour I wonder?

Hi Ross

Thank you, well anywhere from about 8 weeks on they should be changing. I saw him yesterday and they are not as intensely blue as they were but definitely do still have a very blue tinge.

Thank you for sharing!! I’ve never been there, but I am in love with the Nanja female. She’s my favorite…not sure why. She’s so beautiful but she seems so strong, too. I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw clicked on my email and it said “Nanja’s new born cub”!! The video of her cubs in 2013 was amazing. I wish the 2nd video of her current cub was longer; it seemed very short. I enjoyed it though. Wow, he’s a pistol, isn’t he??

barbara sanders

Those blue eyes so wide open! Thank you for sharing such amazing pics.

I was enthralled watching the videos of the leopard and her cubs.
I saw the one thing I wanted to see most on my first safari, a young female leopard who just lay on the sand and let us enjoy her beauty.
Wonderful pictures.

Jill Grady

Amazing photos and video Nick! I saw beautiful Nanga with her 2nd litter in 2013. What an incredible viewing to see such a young cub! Hopefully this little one will stay safe and continue to thrive. Thank you Nick for sharing such a great blog and photos.


who is the father of this beauty?

Hi Kim

The video is short unfortunately but will try to get a little more in the near future. He is very full of life. She is an incredible leopardess and very good at what she does. She is one of my favourites to. Hope to have some longer video to share soon!!

Thank you to everyone for the kind words and it is only my pleasure to share this all with you!! Md the father of this little guy is the Gowrie male. We all hope he is successful and lives a long and happy life.

Nick, thank you for your amazing photos and also for including wonderful footage of the Nanga female and her past litters. I too was privileged to see the new cub on our recent visit and would love updates on how this little beauty is doing. Its so hard to get attached as the odds are so stacked against them, but here’s hoping that the Nanga females special status and the lessons learned from her amazing mother will help her in the future. Thank you again!

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