on A Fearless Buffalo Stands up to a Pride of Lions

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Awesome sighting. Great action video. Stunning pics.

Phenomenal sighting with amazing images and video. Cant believe that the buffalo got away after that attempt by the Tsalala pride. What did the pride do after they buffalo got away?

An amazing sighting. Thank you for sharing this with us, nice to see the buffalo get away!

Senior Digital Ranger

Gosh that was amazing! The tailless lioness has to be given a prize for tenacity, she always seems to be the one to ride on the back of the Buffalo & not give up!! Well that was an action packed weekend! Thanks to you all 🙂

Wow! This is amazing!!!


Awesome sighting!! go Buffalo go

Shiranthi Sellamuttu

Oh Fantastic. We never experienced anything like that at Londolozi . although it was a unforgettable holiday. The best!

Franz von Fürstenberg

I remember the tailless one!

Janice Rudenauer

So moving, the life and death struggle and hoping the buffalo’s injuries were superficial. I can only imagine witnessing this first hand and appreciate capturing it to share. Of course I recognize the tailless lioness…and obvious why she has not tail — fearless! Thanks for sharing your world.

Mary Alice wimmer

Fantastic! Can’t wait to return…what a great Valentine for the beautiful buffalo!
Ps not that I don’t love lions!

robert beercock

Great to see the tailless manx lion in action. Still very fresh from our trip to Londolozi this week. Full of awesome action, large and small.The bird life is just as impressive.

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10 April, 2798
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