About the Author

Trevor McCall-Peat

Photographic Guide

Trevor joined Londolozi from Balule Game Reserve, and with this head start in guiding, he was up and running in no time as a Londolozi Ranger. Trevor has a unique style in photography, capturing images from fresh angles that most wouldn’t see. This ...

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on The Week in Pictures #163

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The photo most striking is definitely the eyes of the leopard although each of the others is special in its own right. I love the male lion’s hair style, the crocodile with its reflection and the b & w leopard drinking but then the baby ellie is tooooo cute and the Tamboti female leopard is always very special. WELL DONE AGAIN Trevor – you make me so proud!

Amazing photos once again Trev. I like them all, hard to choose but I really like the image of the Styx Male, if I had to have one.

Martin Gowing

No pictures of the phantom biscuit thief? Megan wants to know, if you jumped into the river, how long……..

Great shots Trevor, glad to have been with you on most of them, we are already missing the place, looking forward to returning.

For me it’s a tie between the “piercing eyes” and “lazy stare”. The close up of “piercing eyes’ made me stop and stare for quite a while. But, then, I wanted to hug the lioness in the “lazy stare” photo!! I lay with my dog like that and she stares at me with her crinkled up brow and lazy eyes…silly, but that is what I thought when I saw this photo! They are all very beautiful. Thank you!

Michael Johnson

They are all incredible, I absalutely love the young hyena, fantastic light!

David Anglin

The “piercing eyes” is the winner for me. I would choose “lazy stare” as the runner up. I like the contrast between the two images. I can’t wait for our chance to see the Londolozi wildlife in a few months. Please save some leopard viewing and photo opportunities for me – first trip!


Outstanding images Trevor, really enjoy the lighting and color in your photographs.

Senior Digital Ranger

Ouch this is a difficult choice, so I say all of them thank you Trevor! Happy New Year to you & may this one be a good one for you & continue to deliver the amazing pics 🙂

Jill Grady

Wow, hard choice Trevor…they are all great, but I choose the Mashaba young female first…riveting and so beautiful, and the Styx male a close second…so regal and powerful. They are all incredible images though and I love every one of them!

Malcolm Stewart

Great photos as usual Trev. Best of all must have been to see the pangolin, I bet you did the celebratory “shake it it off”
Happy new year from Scotland

sharee bezuidenhout

All magnificent as always Trev! The young hyena is my favourite and the little rhino because it promises a future generation. Keep sharing with us “City folk”.

Trevor Patrick

Could 4:4 be Tu Tones brother?

Catherine Smith

All so beautiful and bring back such incredible memories of my too-brief visit in 2013. I can’t wait to return! I love them all but especially the young hyena (what skill with light!) and the Sparta male (I remember the incomparable feeling of having those lions look right through to my soul!)! I so enjoy your photos, Trevor! Thanks for sharing!

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