About the Author

Simon Smit

Guest contributor

Simon boasts almost five years of guiding, two of them at Londolozi. His photographic work was already catching the eye of the team here for a long time before he joined the reserve, and he was asked to contribute to the blog literally ...

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on The Week in Pictures #158

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Fantastic images. Love the sunset.


Great shots Si!

Sandy Johnson

Good to see a pic of the two Tsalala females. Does anyone know what became of their one surviving daughter from the litter of Feb. 2011?

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow, Wow & Wow
Some wonderful photographs.. Love the fiery sunset and of course the lovely leopards!
Poor Ostrich, I hope she finds a mate soon.

Thank you for sharing!

Thank you Simon! Great shots! Love the sunsets, always, but the Leopard -wow! Even through the photos, their power shows through!

Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful pictures Simon, thank you

Amazing, really!! Thank you finishing my work day…and starting my weekend off right!


Thank you for your lovely writings and beautiful pictures. I relive my safari everyday through these blogs. Miss you guys and long to return.

Jill Grady

Beautiful images and great blog Simon! I especially love the stunning photo of the Cheetah! I hope there will be some new cubs to tell us about soon!

Master Tracker

Super pictures, especially the ostrich. Well done Simon.

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