on Munghene Pride Fighting Over A Kill

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Fantastic sighting. Great video. Sad about the rhino, but it is nature.

The Munghene pride is huge! I am not familiar with them, is LOZ normally part of their territory? Of the 13, what’s the breakdown with sub adults (if you know)?

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow! There is obviously “not enough” meat to go around 🙂 and “I was here first” applies on this side of the poor Rhino. What happens to the horn as I take it they won’t touch it. Do you actually pick it up & destroy it??? Thanks Lucien

S.w. Tsang

there was more than enough meat to go around i am sure of it. a grown rhino weights more than a buffalo. half a ton u know. they are fighting because the last one gets the left over if there is any . and the most part is taken by the first, naturally the male. u can see all the rest gave him lots of space. i am worried for the one who was lying down . if u look at her belly, it was flat . i hope she was not ill, or too old or injured.

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