on Our Conservation Heroes

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Had fantastic experiences with the rangers over the years. Learned so much about the bush from them.

Master Tracker

Campfire singing isn’t obligatory I hope? Haven’t had a good Kumbya in years and want to keep it that way.

If I was 50 years younger I would fulfill a wish to be a ranger. You have no idea how admired & respected you all are. Oh, to be young again, but at least I can spend a week next month with you.

Kristine Dong

My life is better knowing Alfie and Euce over the last two years. Their intelligence is astounding, their love for their jobs is inspiring, their smiles are infectious and their friendship means more to me than words could ever explain. I am counting down the days until I return to the place I love, but moreso to the two people I cherish. Today we celebrate you, but in reality you are in my thoughts, prayers and especially in my heart 365 days a year!

Senior Digital Ranger

God Bless you all today & everyday. Please be safe & carry on enjoying what you do so well & keep us happy with the photies!

Jan Baldwin

We were delighted to see that Tom Emri received safari guide for 2013, because we would have voted unanimously for him in 2008, after spending time with him at Londolozi. He and Kate are a fantastic team.

Happy Rangers day!

Jan and Doug Baldwin
Now in Seattle, WA

Barbara Miki Mall Sanders

happy tracker’s day to all, but especially to Trevor and Richie our exceptional team!

Great photos of some of the best in the business! Great to see Richard Ferrier again who guided us in 2010 along with Oxide, but we missed Melvin and Milton, our 2013 team! Next year – well, who knows, but we’re sure they’ll be special! Happy World Rangers’ Day to all of you!

Jill Grady

Happy Ranger and Tracker Day to the absolute best in the world! Thank you so much to Mark and Lucky…you gave us memories for a lifetime and we were so fortunate to get to spend 5 days with you both last September. We hope to see you both again in 2015!

Salvador Dogi

Thank you to Nsato and Finn for the most amazing safaris day after day! Stevie and Gary

Caroline Schulze

Happy Rangers & Trackers Day to all of you. You’re the best. Keep it up. It’s thanks to dedicated people like you that we can still see so much unspoilt bush and wildlife.

Great team. Amazing pics 🙂

Brian C

Thank you to all Trackers and Rangers. Your expertise can make the trip of a lifetime for people around the world… and then there is preserving the wildlife!

Leticia Dyson

Gracias Don and Judas for making our trip/safari so wonderful!!!

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