on The Week in Pictures #141

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Awesome pics. The female cheetah against the rising sun is amazing

Jill Grady

Incredible photos Mike, every one of them! The silhouette of the Cheetah is spectacular and I always love seeing the Majingilane…they are so regal and beautiful, so it’s great to see them back again. Thanks for ending my week with such fantastic images!

Jen Sawicky

The photo of the Majingilane is brilliant, but the quality of the light captured on the waterbuck photo is absolutely breathtaking; that’s definitely my favourite of the week. Thank you for sharing your amazing photos!

Horray Majingilane!! I can get enough of them!!! Great great shot mike! When u see them next, please tell them they need to be back on londo property in 2 1/2 weeks so I can see them in person! 😉

Each picture is “amazing” love them all, you must have some photo album now. I am hoping you and James can share some top tips with us when we are out in a few weeks time, if I have pictures half as good as this I will be very happy. Keep sharing….

Susan Honnell

Spectacular photos. Love the movement and anticipation of the three Majingilane males. Incredible shot of the Gourie male leopard!

Kristine Dong

Hands down the best pictures that have ever graced this blog. Mike, i’m IN LOVE with the first picture!

So very beautiful. Mike, each posting is more magnificent. Your eye for Mother Nature’s creatures is breathtaking. Thank you.

Senior Digital Ranger

These pictures are absolutely stunning! I love the Cheetah in the rising sun & can feel the power of the Maji’s coming over the rise, but your pictures make it very difficult to have 1 favourite. Thanks for making my weekend special 🙂

S.w. Tsang

Wow !

S.w. Tsang

The male lions r so awesome looking ! The middle looks like the leader , the black & white pic of that leopard! And the sunset or rise behind the cheetah ! These r the reasons I love the wild Africa !

Oustanding photographs Mike, Really enjoyed the leopard silhouette

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