About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on Time for a Wake up!

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Interesting article. Well researched. Vultures are misunderstood, very interesting to watch. It is a pity that our government don’t do more for our wild animals, rhino poaching is at it’s highest levels. We must all stand together to protect our wildlife

Brian C

Thanks Andrea. This was very interesting & really opened my eyes. Rhino, elephants, big cats have obvious value for poachers- sadly enough. I never realized vultures were targeted also. Between habitat deprivation and poaching, who knows how many species will survive the next 50 years. Places like Londo, Kruger may be the last stand for some species (hope I am being too pessimistic)

Senior Digital Ranger

Nicely written, Andrea, and some great photographs, too. Thanks.

A very interesting blog Andrea. One of the world’s most fascinating species – I have diarised Vulture Awareness Day.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Andrea. It is a worry that the numbers are dropping so drastically. :'(

A very interesting piece. I am so enjoying the bird blogs. Keep them coming!

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