on Best Majingilane pictures ever taken

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Bob McEwan

Remaining as a coalition they will be around until an undisputed leader takes command. Then it will be time to break up and for the other males to move on.

Lynn Rattray

All are fantastic!

Awesome pics. Love them all.

Magnificent Majingilane Males—wow!

Senior Digital Ranger

Serenity is my favourite, but you have all excelled as they are beautiful pictures. Excuse my ignorance, but what is the time span of these pictures?

Hi Wendy, these photographs have all been taken within the last four years when the males took over from the Mapogos. From around 2010 to more recently.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Kate. I guess they still have a few more years to fight off the “opposition” 🙂

Jan Baldwin

I was very impressed by all of these photos. The scare nose portrait really told of battles on his face. I also liked the two portraits with black background. Very impressive and dynamic. Thanks for such amazing photography.

Zoe Mulholland

They are a fabulous foursome! I hope they are around for a long time to come.

Natalie Lipson

superb… i especially like the scarnose licking his paw… how do you get so close !

Jill Grady

These are all stunning photographs of the Majingilane but Serenity is my favourite…just incredible…I felt so many emotions at once when I looked at that photograph. It really captures the heart and soul of this big male lion. Thank you so much for this great blog Kate and for all the incredible photos from everyone. I hope this coalition lives on and thrives for many more years to come.

Anita Baert

Serenity…powerful and emotive…stunning image!!

Great collection of images, thanks for including a few of mine.


I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Londolozi and the Majingilane a couple of years ago and it was truly a life changing experience. So amazing!

Tim Musumba

The one photographed opposite varty camp is my best.The Majingi with the missing canine is also known as who?Why is it that we do not have as many live recordings of these majingi as a group like we had so many of the Mapogo?I feel a new coalition will take over soon but the Majingi have also been excellent in working as a group when needed to keep rivals away!

Great photos. I can’t wait to come back.

Diane B. Miller

My favourite is Hip Scar by Richard Laburn

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