on A Young Starving Leopard Takes an Uncalculated Risk

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marinda drake

Wow! What a once in a lifetime sighting.

Brian C

She took a huge risk! We are in for a wild time watching this amazing young female claim a territory. I hope she is not too reckless. She seems really young to be on her own, but the Tamboti probably knows best. What an incredible sighting!

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow Richard, that was fantastic & what a perfect ending to a fantastic week of photography, of which, I hope we will get to see? Thank you

Senior Digital Ranger

It is phenomenal when you get the opportunity to see a pack of Wild Dogs tear apart their prey.. But WOW, to see a young leopard take that kind of chance was truly once in a lifetime.. I am glad that the Tamboti female came out ok.. I hope her future is a long one!

S.w. Tsang

Good for the cat ! It is always good to see a loner wins over a gang of thugs ! Especially one was desperate as she ! May she lead a long & productive life ( with stomach full of meat )

Jill Grady

Well, I’m happy the Tamboti young female won that one and hopefully came out of it uninjured! Why is she on her own at such a young age? Incredible sighting and amazing pictures Richard! Please keep us updated on how she is doing, I hope this young leopard will go on to do well and thrive.

Unbelievable sighting with great images. Thanks for posting Rich.


Thanks for sharing this story. It seems that when wild dogs form packs, especially large packs, they only have one main enemy- the Lion. Thus, a pack of 20 wild dogs or more would dominate Cheetahs, Leopards, and even single hyenas.

Wow!!!!!! So cool!!!! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!!

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