About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on The Pink Pouch

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Samantha Myburgh

That is so classic! Now I know what to look out for (besides the animals of course) during my visit end Oct! Can’t Wait to be back!

Kate Castle

We were just telling a friend this weekend about the pink pouch and Jess ending up with it after she pulled someone else out but then got stuck herself with us in the truck in the process and had to get pulled out! Very fun it’s been resurrected!

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh that is excellent! Can I ask you, the vehicle in the picture, I hope the gun was out of the cover & out there with you???
There is another lodge, that has a pink Gun Cover and my son has had the pleasure of carrying it!!! 🙂
PS: I didn’t tell you this 🙂

Love it !! Will be looking out for the pink pouch when we are there in December!

I have pink hair. Does that mean that I am stuck in Londolozi? I wish!!

Love it! I suspect that Melvin thinks that he’d not look good in pink either!

Senior Digital Ranger

Tee Hee, that is what makes a family! Good natured teasing..

Katie Siegel

What a great story, thanks James.

I wonder if my ranger will have it. I would be proud to be on drive with the holder of the pink pouch

Kelly Messikomer

Thank you for the explanation. I know have a better understanding of Helen’s incredible determination and persistence to get herself “unstuck” before fellow rangers drove by. Awesome crew.

derek smith

this has to be the best news letter. if i am lucky enough to be able to come to your game drives i will certainly search for the pink pouch ranger they are my kind of driver. last time i was in Africa we went down a dry river bed in search of leopard, had to do a ten point turn to get out now thats devotion to getting the best sightings that ranger and tracker made my trip, we saw leopard and cheetah that day, i will remember that day for the rest of my life.

Jo Anne

Thank you so very much for the giggles. I had a hard time finishing your blog for the tears my giggle fit brought to my eyes.

Getting stuck with you James, has created some of the best memories of our lives. Wear that pink pouch with pride, any time you earn it.

We miss you all so very much…Keep getting stuck. xo

P.S. You still owe me one. 🙂


You told us about the dreaded pink pouch but you didn’t take possession of it when we were there! Such a funny story!

Terri Klauber

We were very proud to be with you for 6 days
With the pink pouch! You wore it proudly!
Missing you and all the team at Londilozi..
All our best to the best!!!

John Holley

Isn’t Lucien basically Mr Pink Pouch?

Pretty much, yeah…

A few weeks ago when I was in Londolozi, our Ranger Kevin told us about the Pink Pouch when we got temporarily stuck in the sand while following a leopard. Happily, Kevin and Tracker Ray, working very hard, managed to get us unstuck.

Thanks for your comment. It sounds like Kevin was very lucky there Doug! Almost a Pink Pouch holder again.

Don’t you be giving the pink pouch to my favorite Ranger again! 🙂

Terrific story!!! We’ve been wondering about it and your explanation was really enjoyable. As you say, as embarrassing as it is to have it, it is actually a badge of adventurous driving for our sake and we really appreciate it. Except for the ribbing etc it seems more like a badge of courage to us!

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