About the Author

Tom Imrie

Field Guide

Tom is the voice of wisdom, reason and logic on the Londolozi Ranging Team, as well as all the other facets that go hand-in-hand with being an intellectual far beyond the realm of most mere mortals. There are very few subjects under the ...

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on The Iron Lady

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Exceptionally well written Tom. A sad loss to the entire Sabi Sands. She will be remembered by all…


nicely write up, Tom. A loss to the pride for sure.

Ginny Race

Thank you Tom and James for the wonderful write up and photo’s of her, very sad indeed

Mike Sutherland

Well written Tom!! A great loss!! Eager to see the future of the Sparta pride!

Scott E. Smith

I was at Tree Camp in January. After reading your post, I went and checked my photos and a iPhone video and I am pretty sure I captured this beauty multiple times. The circle of life keeps on moving.

Guest contributor

Her endurance over the years has been incredible. You have told her story beautifully, thank you!

Trevor & Colleen

Good words for the Icon Tom.


A beautiful piece, Tom.

I think the pride is in for a tough Winter…

James T

Thank you Tom and James, very moving story and beautiful photos as always. I’m very touched, sometimes I feel closer to these animals than some in my own family! 🙂 In case you can’t tell, I love the blogs…J

Louise Taback

Thank You guys..sad story…RIP Iron Lady!!!!!

thelma aleman

Very touching and sad, bye jewel of the forest.

Senior Digital Ranger

We can only hope she has passed her knowledge on to her daughters and granddaughters. She will be sorely missed.. what a lion the Sparta Male must have been! who was their mother? They sure produced some leaders didn’t they? Long live the line of the Sparta!
RIP and thank you for all the memories.

Evette Hartig

Brought tears to my eyes as I recall time spent with this magnificent lioness, she will be missed. Thank you for letting us know.


A dignified obituary, well done Tom

Ian MacLarty

Well done Tom, it is not easy to do justice to any icon but your words and James’ photos are pretty special. Having made her acquaintance many times I will miss her but, I suspect, not as much as the Londo’s host of rangers and trackers. We look forward to seeing how the cubs have got on maybe next summer.

Senior Digital Ranger

Very well written & photographed thank you both for the farewell to a beautiful lioness!

James Kydd

Thanks so much for this Tommo, a great tribute as always.

Beautifully written Tom, she lead an incredible life and will always be remembered…. Great photos JT!


thanks for blog

Beautiful words Tom, even though your heart must be sore.
This Iron Lady too will never be forgotten.


Well done, so well written, full of emotion!!!! Even though we did not meet her when we went to Londolozi I could feel so emotional about it.. Beautiful words about an icon as some people said.


A terrible loss but at least she is at rest. We luckily enough got to see the Iron Lady for the very last time on our trip to Londolozi thanks to our stay.

shirley Bruynder

Very sad news. R.I.P. my lionness. I will not forget you.


Thanks, any chance of an autopsyto find out about the cause of death and the lump?

Joanne Pearcey

So sad. I feel priviledged to have seen her in her final days. Thank you for your sensitive and sincere words Tom.


Very nice right up and nice reminder that she was the Mapogo’s sister


Who was the second Iron Lady to pass?

Hi Mike,

The second ‘Iron Lady’ to pass was not one of Londolozi’s own but rather Margaret Thatcher who passed away in the same week.

Kindest reagards,


Two great regal old girls gone so close together. Sad upon sad. On to be recycled into the earth in this great circle of life. Such a well written blog with great photos. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful lioness.

Keighley-Ann Bell

Wow, that was so beautifully written, brought tears to my eyes…what a sad ending to such a wonderful life! Hopefully her legacy survives the continuous onslaught of challenges faced by our wildlife.

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