on The Month in Pictures #1

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Mike your photos are wonderful – the one of the Cheetah is FABULOUS – competition winner, can’t stop looking at it, well done.

Matthew Wilkes

Great work Suthers!! Amazing pictures! Well done. All the best at Londolozi. Keep well chap.

Nic Andrew

Awesome photo’s Mike! Really like the shot of the Mashaba cub, and its golden eyes. Is it possible in the future if you could add the details of the photo (f-stop, shutter speed, ISO), would add quite nicely I think.

Mike Sutherland

Hi Nic, thank you for the comment. For that particular picture: (F-stop : 5.6 ISO: 250, Shutter speed: 1/400sec.) Shot with a Canon 7D, 100 – 400mm Canon L- series lens.(F4.5 – 5.6)

Mike this is an outstanding album of images!! What a fantastic shot of the Juvenile Red Billed Ox Pecker and rare Yellow Billed Ox Pecker.

Interesting to see how Vomba’s cub is maturing. Take a look at this footage of her filmed in September last year – http://blog.londolozi.com/2012/09/vomba-female-has-a-new-cub/


Wonderful pictures Mike, cheetah and the mating leopards in particular! You will need to share your expertise when I am there later this year! Many thanks.

Michael sutherland

Thank you very much Liam, when are you coming exactly! Look forward to some great Photographic opportunities!

Awesome blog Mike – looking forward to many more….

Are those golden eyed leopard cubs (Vomba and Mashaba) sired by Gowrie male? Excellent pictures, thank you.

Michael sutherland

Raise, interesting comment as we all know the Gowrie male has amazing eyes, however, both Vomba and mashaba’s youngsters are sired by the Marthly male!


Wow great photos Mike ! It makes me a little less sad that Adam left now (especially as you seem to be a “leopard man”) 😉 I love leopards too, they’re such beautiful intelligent animals. Looks like Rich will have some excellent help with the blogs and photos now ! I can’t wait to see some more of your photos, will you be getting a public profile on Facebook so that we can all see your pics ?

Cheetah kill and black/white scar nose……magnificent shots

Wonderful shots, Mike! The power and calm of the cheetah is mesmerizing – and the oxpecker shot is special. Thanks for sharing!

Great photos Suthers!
LOVE the one of the chameleon!

Keep ’em coming…

Brilliant blog Mike – those pictures are incredible. Particularly love the one of the leopards fighting and the B&W Scar Nose Lion. Looking forward to the next lot!

Nice one Mike. Loved the Dragonfly! Keep well bud and good to see you have settled in there. All the best – Adam


Wonderful pictures. Love them all, especially the Sparta pride in position. Thanks a lot.


Great photos, Mike! Looking forward to seeing more of them in the future.

Ryan James

The Mashaba cub and cheetah kill photographs are brilliant Mike. Also loving the Sparta family line-up. How’s that for a family portrait!

Derek Evans

I agree with your comments on the Scarlet Dragonfly Photograph – there is a lot more to learn other than the Big Five.
See you in Jan
Derek & Chris

Derek Evans

Hi Mike
Lovely photo of the Scarlet Dragonfly and I strongly endorse your remarks. Look forward to meeting you in Jan.

Derek Evans

Re my comments on comments on Dragonfly photo, what is meant by “awaiting moderation” – to me that means my my wording is too strong – please comment

Michael sutherland

Hi Derek! Thank you for your comments. I look forward to meeting you in Jan aswell! Regarding “awaiting moderation” as far as I can tell, it is automated by the system for each comment. But will look into it!


Mike your pictures are rad! Mashaba cub definitely my favourite… I remember the cheetah sighting too! See you soon.

James Kydd

Well done Mike, nice to see you settling in and enjoy that incredible place

Thanks for the photos Mike – quite an amazing start to your time at Londolozi!

Diane Wales Baillie

Awesome images Mike – superb start to your time at Londolozi!

John Holley

Unbelievable shots bud!

Senior Digital Ranger

Welcome to the Londolozi Blog. We look forward to seeing and reading about your journey through this wonderful place. You pictures are wonderful.. Leopards are my fav big cat so the golden eyed Vomba cub is marvelous! I happen to love hyenas too.. They are much maligned and misunderstood. I find them to be very interesting.. We got to know a family of them while watching the live Safaris from Djuma.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if Londolozi could do something like that?

Thank you for sharing your corner of paradise with us..

Louise Taback

Wow Awesome pictures Mike!! Thank you for sharing!!! Ahhh i miss the bush!!!

Richard Burman

Incredible pictures Michael the one of the Majigilane male lion and his cub is truly Epic. Well done bud.


Hi Mike. i am rather behind on the week in pictures but kept this to look at later and was rewarded, it was worth it. Well done on some fantastic images and glad to see that you are enjoying your life at londolozi and taking great photographs.


Absolutely amazing Mike. Love the shots

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