About the Author

Tom Imrie

Field Guide

Tom is the voice of wisdom, reason and logic on the Londolozi Ranging Team, as well as all the other facets that go hand-in-hand with being an intellectual far beyond the realm of most mere mortals. There are very few subjects under the ...

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on Freakquencies

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I feel for your pain. Fortunately the loud hum in my ears is not constant. I believe mine is from working around jet engines for 20 years. I have a relative who has tinnitus and it drives her crazy! On rainy humid days its worse. Sometimes music helps to drown out the roaring sound.
Hang in there!

Well, you obviously have a keen, self deprecating sense of humor! Next time we come, would love to have the privelege of meeting and/or having you as our ranger. However, ‘hie you’ quickly to the closest MD facility…wouldn’t want you to miss out on a moments worth of sounds!
In any case, get well soon!

Tinnitus …. cyclic….be happy when it’s gone. I always am.

Kobus Muller

It all lies in your knees, “jy is bang man”, clattering knees make funny noises. But dont worry many people would have carried a extra pair of pants with them on walks like you do. The walking part. I love your article , gives you the human side of it.

Experienced trackers like Jerry sometimes confess their fears too, the thing about walking in the bush is you must just act braver than the next guy(believing you can run faster also helps, although running is often not a good option). The moment you see the other guys weakness you feed on that. Many of the workers on the game farms in the Timbavati and Klaserie i had a beer or two…. with start talking when the tongue gets lose, and believe me i have heard great stories. In many that extra pair of pants would have been very handy.

Thanks for your article , i miss my time in the bush when i read this.


Those Majingilane’s have a lot to answer for at Londolozi !!! I think the noise is just laughter waves going through your brain, you certainly have a great sense of humour!! (I would not risk the snoring wife theory if I was you!) Seriously some treatments are available for ear noise conditions (Meniere’s disease or otoscierosis which is usually hereditary) so as Geri said – haste ye to a specialist young man.
Sounds like you and Jerry are a great team – have fun – and take care of yourself ……..

Penny Parker

I loved this post Tom. Thank you very much. Always an excitement even to hear about a heart-racing walk in the bush. My very first encounter with a Lion on foot was a funny one. Our trainer, Mark Louws, had spotted the mane lying lying low in the grass and we were all still somewhat oblivious to it’s presence. Each taking a turn to spot it (binoculars were even out, despite the close range haha), and then slowly retreating to the back of the group, hands a lot shakier and hearts a lot louder than before. A priceless moment, and you’ve hit the nail on the head in this blog. I wish you a speedy recovery 🙂

Gerrit van Wageningen

Hi Tom,
Many thanks for your most enjoyable post! I read the blog every morning at 05h15, and then I try to imagine the activities at Londolozi? Rangers and trackers getting the trucks ready for another real Africa experience, the kitchen staff brewing coffee to die (or wake up) for!, and guests waking up to another day in wild-life paradise!
We are already longing for the next visit, even though it will only be next year.
As Geri and Sheena indicated, tinnitis is usually treatable, but a thorough medical examination would be needed, followed by (probably) either an MRI of the internal acoustic canals, to look for micro-vascular neuro-compression, or a high res CT of the mastoid bones, to look for bony pathology.
Please let me know as soon as you’re ready to go, I’ll gladly give advice as far as my knowledge can go!
My e-mail address should be available on your data system, otherwise just mail me at work, our website is scan2live.com.
Warm regards,
Gerrit and six other Londo’s fans!

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