on The Week in Pictures # 16

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Talley, only you could capture the angelic side of those mischievous monkeys! Beautiful shots. And at last we get a creepy crawly – bring on the bugs and slugs! It always amazes me how nature returns from such a shocked state after a ‘burn’. Here in the south of France we suffer from criminal ones unfortunately – do the Rangers do the burns?
Thank you once again for a wonderful set of photos, have a great weekend.

Hi Sheena! We have been enjoying the burned areas lately because now they are covered in green grass. This morning we saw 33 rhino and 70+ zebra feeding in one area! To answer your question, the rangers help with the burns where possible, but we have a skilled team here who specialize in land management, particularly fire, who conduct the burns. Thanks so much!


Wonderful. Thanks so much for your great blogs & pics.

Thanks Syl!

Nancy Armitage

Is there another name for the South Pride of lions? Is the Mapogo Pride still south of Londolozi?

Great pictures!

Nancy Armitage

Hi Nancy, thanks so much for looking at the pics. The ‘South Pride’ that we see here should actually be called the South Coalition, as it is four males. Their natal pride is the Southern Pride found in the south of the Sabi Sands. The Mapogo coalition (3 males) are dominant in the western side of the Sabi Sands now. We saw one of them mating with a female from the Othawa Pride the other day, but they rarely come onto Londolozi since the Majingalanes have been around.

Penny Parker

These photo’s are sensational, and although leopards are just my ultimate favourite mammal, its a lovely treat to take them out of the spotlight and shine it only the other beauties of the bush. Your South Pride pics are unbelievable and Sheena has it right. Talley you are a talent, those photos are brilliant. You can’t help but fall in love with that wobbly new born.

Thank you!

Thanks Penny! Yes there are quite a few babies around now… it’s spring time 🙂


Wonderful shots Talley…..we are missing the bush already!

Thanks Mom 🙂

Willy Smith

It just gets better! The monkeys are awesome and the Martial eagle is stunning!

Thanks UW!!! With every post I hope it encourages you more to come here!!

Does the South Pride also have 1 lioness (sister)?

Hi Geri! Yes for a while the ‘South Pride’ that we view here consisted of 5 male lions and 1 female from the Southern Pride in the south of the Sabi Sands. However, one of the males was killed by the Majingalanes earlier this year, and the female seemed to join back with her natal pride in the south, as one would have expected. So now, the ‘South Pride’ is four young male lions… although as I mention to Nancy above, should really be called a coalition, not a pride.

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