About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Meet the Blog Team: Adam

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Penny Parker

So lovely to see the face behind the blog. Adam sounds like an amazing guide and asset to the Londolozi family.

Have been very impressed with your incredible pictures of the Majingilane coalition and coverage of the dynamics amongst the male lions in the area in general with your ‘Lion Warfare’ thread. We were present in Londolozi to witness the youngest South Pride member fatally attacked this past June and truly came to realize the perils and hardships of life as a male lion. Keep up the great work as your passion is clear in your writing and photography! Charlie


All of us in the “Klauber Clan” want you to know that you helped make our August Londolozi experience unforgettable. You are a special breed. We will see you again!

Michael, Terri, Max and Mikayla Klauber

Melissa Jekonski-Lerner

I am so happy this was written about you. You deserve it!!! You are awesome! As we bragged about how wonderful you are and how wonderful you made our Londolozi experience in the last blog, we are just as happy to hear others brag about you 🙂 You are one to be recognized, you give it your heart and your soul and it shows! Forever thankful, can’t wait to get back to Londolozi…

Rich, thank you!

Claire Boughton

…We feel the same and Solomon too…. still Living The Dream – our African Adventure and we have only been back two weeks…

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