Involved Leopards

Dudley Riverbank 3:3 Female

Dudley Riverbank 3:3 Female

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About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Dudley Riverbank Female Is Dying

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It is so sad to see an animal dying. We were fortunate to see DRF kill a duiker and hoisting it in September 2013. Old already she was still magnificent.


Just found this website. God Bless all who care about animals. I just love the African wild!!!!

How sad!! I agree, I hope her passing is fast and dignified. Beautiful creatures.


Great story, and we too were lucky to meet DRF and her daughter back in new years 2013. Happy DRYF is carrying on a beautiful lineage.

Life goes on in the bush. It might seem cruel, but Nature knows best.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh that is so sad, but 17 is quite a good age for a Leopard isn’t it James?


God bless her & all the aging cats

Jill Grady

It’s so sad to see these beautiful animals at the end of their lives. Life is difficult in the wild and we will really miss the Dudley Riverbank Female when the day comes that we longer see her wandering through Londolozi.


Amazing life for such an amazing Queen.

Brian C

She is the last surviving offspring mothered by the ‘Leopard Queen’ (3:4). She is also one of the last of an iconic group of female leopards born near the turn of the century (give or take a couple of years). It will be a sad day when she is gone, but she lived a very successful life for a female leopard.
I think at least 3 sons reached independence, including the 5:5 male (Airstrip). Her final triumph is her beautiful daughter, who will hopefully find a space of her own to thrive and carry on the 3:4 legacy.


We saw the Nottens female in Sabi Sabi after leaving Londolozi a few weeks ago.


We saw the Dudley Female in Umkumbe…She was badly hurt..Made a beautifull picture of her…Staring right into my lens…

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