on A Kill And A Steal

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Awesome blog. Was it the Dudley riverbank female. It is nature, but sad that they stole her kill

Hi Marinda, this leopard is the Dudley Riverbank young male. Sad that all her hard work was stolen from her, but amazing nonetheless.

Hi Marinda, this leopard is the Dudley Riverbank young male. Sad that all his hard work was stolen from him, but amazing nonetheless.

Thanks. How is his mother doing? Is she still around?

Desmand Jansen van Vuuren

Excellent photography,congratulations.

S.w. Tsang

I am so sorry that he lost his hard earned meal to the lions . Rather to these lions than the hyenas ! Since when do we see a skinny hyena ? Tired of their stealing big cats’ hard earned meals !

A phenomenal sequence! Nature never ceases to surprise.

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