What Bird is This? #23
This should be a fairly straightforward one. Colouration, size, shape… there’s certainly enough here to narrow it down to family, but the actual species might take a little more work. …
This should be a fairly straightforward one. Colouration, size, shape… there’s certainly enough here to narrow it down to family, but the actual species might take a little more work. …
For a large chunk of the year, Londolozi’s weaver population is drab and fairly nondescript, but when the rain comes and the grass grows, the males shift both their plumage …
We’re moving into new territory here, with no colouration to help the identification process. Often in the field you aren’t lucky enough to get a look at the colour though …
Habitat is key when birding. Hint. There’s more than enough in the photo below to take you straight to what family today’s bird belongs to, but from there things start …
“The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese” – Willie Nelson That quote has nothing to do with today’s post but I found it while …
A funny looking bird caught our eye recently. Quite scruffy, its plumage wasn’t immediately definitive, and it was only after we’d eliminated a few options that we came to a …
We’re getting into rather dangerous territory here, but more for ourselves than anything else. Every so often a bird surfaces on Londolozi that we haven’t recorded here, or at least …
This is scary territory we’re entering into. Struggling to identify a bird because you didn’t get a good look at it is one thing, but when you can see it …
Here is our Bird Challenge for the month of February. Ok it may not end up being the only one, as if we happen to get some particularly cryptic photos …
Lions will do things on their own time. Just ask anyone who’s sat with them for hours waiting for them to move, and they’ve done nothing except roll over lethargically …
It’s been almost a year and I still can’t let this thing go. This post may not be for everyone, but it’s something I started obsessing about again, and decided …
Owls are my favourite birds. I’m sure it has a lot to do with the characters that represented them in books I read when I was young, but years later …
The avian residents of Londolozi are certainly not the foremost reason why people visit. There are far more popular birding destinations throughout Southern Africa where people are likely to tick …