About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Why Did The Majingilane Return?

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Lions are magnificent creatures. I will see a lion in the wild one day.

Master Tracker

Wonderful photos, great story.

Interesting blog Amy. There are times I am sure you wish that animals could talk and explain exactly what is going on. Fascinating lion dynamics and hope you keep us posted on the outcome of the puzzle.

Thanks for the update really appreciate the unfolding drama. Have you seen the 5 massive Mantimanhle since May ?

Morning Mike. No we haven’t seen or heard any more of the Mantimahle males. They’re moving further south and east of us near the lower portions of the Sabi Sands and into the Kruger. Thanks so much, Amy

Have you guys heard anything about the whereabouts of the matimba boys
Surely if the Birmingham boys challenge the majingis they will come out on top?

Morning Cam. No, we haven’t heard any more on the Matimba males since they left Londolozi and headed north. The last we heard they were nearing Orpen area. It is always hard to say what will be the outcome of a fight between these coalitions as it depends so much on numbers, condition of the animals and so on. But certainly being five young strong males, the Birmingham males would give the three substantially older males a run for their money. Thanks so much, Amy

Great story and pics Amy.One question though,the male lion that broke his leg .Did he finally die from that or is
still hanging on.I don’t remember which group he was from.Have not seen any more mention of him so was
wondering about his status.Thanks for all the great stories and pics from someone who enjoys them from Texas.

I worry about Tsalala pride are all these males at a safe distance from them ?

Hi Mishal. Yes both the Tsalala Pride and the Tsalala Breakaway Pride have been staying quite far north of these males and are all currently safe. Luckily there has been a lot of roaring coming from these various coalitions, which helps the prides of females to be aware of and therefore steer clear of the males’ positions. Many thanks, Amy

Amy, great update on the Majingilane! They are looking a little beat up but still look fairly healthy and in good shape. Is there any word on how the Matshipiri males are doing, in particular the one with the broken leg?


Wonderful article and nice seeing the old boys still up for a challenge..beautiful legends of old…beautiful


Amy the Birmingham males are four they lost their brother a year ago. Thanks for the update.

Some good news today for lion lovers… the injured Matshapiri male has covered a surprising amount of ground from we we last saw him. He was at Buffalo Bush Dam, well fed and still crunching down on the remains of an impala. We can’t say for certain weather he somehow managed to kill it himself or if he stole the kill but the Emsagweni female leopard Picked this up on Mala Mala 16 June


Hi Amy, The Birmingham are no longer a coalition of 5 but 4, Scrapper died last year.

Susi Cowar

Thanks for the update and information, I love your stories and know what is happening with these magnificent cats.

Always love reading about this coalition!!

Love reading all these updates
But I’m rather confused now to who’s who of male coalitions.
Is there any way or chance of someone making a list of coalitions,?
Strength of numbers, ages, and maybe a map indicating who holds which territory?
A tall ask I’m sure
But surely others are confused as I am

Hi Joel,
Don’t worry, we get confused from time to time as well.
Sure, we’ll put something together in the next few weeks.

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