About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Do Animals Do Yoga?

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Great article Amy. Very true also. Humans are very busy trying to conform to what is expected of us, when all we really need is to stop and concentrate on all that is around us and be aware of what is inside of us. We all need to take a lesson from all wildlife, they really are very smart and wise. Their survival depends on their awareness.

Beautifully said. I’ve recently been experimenting with listening to my body, and what it’s been telling me is surprisingly kind and supportive. Thanks for the encouragement to continue!

That’s really beautiful Lee! So glad it resonated!

Thank you Amy. To quieten the mind and come in touch with our body is the most wonderful experience. Pema Chodron said in a meditation talk “in the seeing there is merely the seeing, in hearing there is merely the hearing, in the touching there is merely the touching”. Unfortunately as you said our mind runs away with countless imaginary stories. Thank you again for bringing us back.

Ooh I love that Jenny! It’s so true. Thank you for sharing!

Loved this❤❤❤

Beautifully said, Amy. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of connecting with our inner selves and finding that peace and stillness within.


What an amazingly crafted article! I agree that people nowadays tend to move from one place to another, doing what they should do. Sometimes, we forget to live in the moment and pause to reflect on what’s around and within us. Your photos are so captivating, and it’s interesting to think about how much we can learn from wildlife creatures.

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