About the Author

Anna Ridgewell

Alumni: Executive Chef

Anna worked at Londolozi for almost 9 years. A lodge like Londolozi, although famous for its wildlife, is about far more than just that. The superb culinary experience which awaits every guest at Londolozi is thanks to the continued efforts of Anna, who ...

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on Sweet Treats From The Londolozi Kitchen

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OMG! I love the crunchies so much – maybe even more than the baboons! I wish I was back at Londolozi right now.

Do you enjoy torturing the guests with those delicious-looking photos??? Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying your creations when we return in January.

Thanks Jeff! we look forward to welcoming you back in January for more deliciousness!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for the recipes. I especially look forward to trying the muesli. It is so true that taste and smell can bring back memories. I remember before heading out on the afternoon drive one day having a slice of the most delicious lemon cake I have ever tasted. I guess you would call it a tea cake. When trying to think of something special to bake I have thought of that cake often. It would be a wonderful Christmas treat if you would share that recipie. I can also imagine sitting down one afternoon with a piece and getting lost in my Africa videos. Thanks again!

Thank you Leslie! Keep warm with the delcious aroma of the Londolozi baking magic and keep an eye on your inbox for the Lemon cake recipe! My personal favourite as well!


Yum Yum ! Definitely trying those delicious looking & I am sure tasty recipes, thank you !

Hello! Thank you so much for these recipes – can’t wait to get cooking! 🙂 How much grated chocolate goes into the cookies (the recipe didn’t list grated chocolate as an ingredient), and how many cookies does the recipe yield?

Thank you Lauren – the amount is 300g chocolate chips ( i wouldn’t add too much more as they will be very very rich!), however, you can mix dark & white chocolate chips together. The yield of this recipe all depends on the size you make – i would say 20 normal size cookie and about 12 big ones! Happy Baking

Robert Hayes

Hello Anna – I think I have put on five pounds just reading since you started posting to the daily blog with your kitchen/food-specific entries. We enjoyed every one of the meals we had when we were there and it looks like the food has only gotten better, if that’s possible. You must have a great staff. Please keep posting from time to time.

Thank you Robert! i certainly do not do this on my own and i express massive gratitude daily for this incredible team i work with! I will indeed pass on the sentiments and keep an eye out for the next TWIF!

Thanks so much for the lovely recipes, especially the breakfast muesli which I loved when I was at Londolozi.
And of course I wish I were at Londolozi again every single day. Maybe soon.

Thank you Chris – enjoy the recipes!

Thanks very much for the recipes Anna! I loved the muesli every day at breakfast while there at Londolozi and can’t wait to make it at home now as well. Of course, it won’t be the same as having it there and enjoying watching the Elephants coming in below the Tree Camp deck but I’ll close my eyes and try to imagine it.

Thank you Jill – when you make this at home – log on to the blog and eat it whilst watching one of the 90th videos which should take you right back to the Londolozi feeling!

Thank you Trevor! now you can create a little Londolozi magic in your home kitchen!

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