About the Author

Dave Varty


Dave's story is too full and rich to tell in a brief blog bio. Suffice it to say that it is due to his passion, hard work and lifelong dedication to conservation that Londolozi is what it is today. One of the co-founders ...

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on 90th Anniversary: We Are Because of You

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Carole Househam

A wonderful and emotional film. My love and best wishes to all the Londolozi family, hope to see you soon.


Loved watching this. Such a beautiful, magical place with warmth that makes your heart happy. We are looking forward to returning soon!

Margarita Doychinova

Happy anniversary and thank you!

Loved this!! I cannot wait to get back….it will be our 2nd visit. And it’s going to happen! Love you all…


Dave & Shan …. watching this incredible video … brought back for me .. the most wonderful & happy memories , how grateful & proud I am to have had the opportunity you gave me . For these few moments I felt as I was back !!!
One day I will revisit ❤️❤️

Londolozi is an incredible place! We will be making our 3rd trip in August and cannot wait to return. Thank you for so many happy and amazing memories!

As has been noted, this revived our experiences as well at Londolozi and the spirit of “Ubuntu”. But there needs to be a word which expresses how we guests are better human beings because of what you have given us, more appreciative of our wildlife, more in harmony with each other and more thankful for the beauty of our natural surroundings. Thank you and the Londolozi staff for the unspoken lessons you have taught us that different worlds can unite in harmony and be better for it. Truly magical, well done and very much appreciated!

Michael Baskin

To Dave and the incredible Londolozi family. Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement.
For me the word that comes to mind each morning when I watch the Blog, in Sydney, is HOPE…hope that the human spirit that Londolozi instils as part of its culture is spread to the rest of South Africa. Look forward to another visit in the not too distant future. Ubuntu!

Happy anniversary! Stunningly beautiful video! Thank you! We in the Westphal family feel we were directed by the Universe to find Londolozi, and as so many have experienced and said, feel so honored and humbled to have become part of the family! When you run into others who’ve been, and you speak the word “Londolozi” there are no other words that need to be spoken. The look you give each other says it all. The unspoken words say, “I know…” Our family is united in our belief that our trips to Londolozi are THE BEST family trips we’ve ever taken, and its the only place on the planet we go back to again, and again, and again, and again….I concur with all sentiments shared on the video, I too know that I am a better person because of Londolozi and your family… Londolozi is my church…can’t wait to worship in the “Cathedral of the Wild! See you soon!

Bravo…every word and emotion, so true! Miss Londolozi, but I know, we will return! Gorgeous film!

Incredible, beautiful video! It brought back so many wonderful memories and emotions of my time spent at Londolozi. There truly is no place on Earth like it — a place of love, healing, harmony, beauty and peace — magical Londolozi. Thank you to the Varty family for taking their dream and creating Londolozi, and changing so many peoples’ lives for the better.

Elizabeth Vicentzo

What a calling and privilege for one to be part of and with wildlife here and across the plains of the African continent. This is where my heart lies. May Londolozi be protected and grow from strength to strength and for all those who visit or reside therein who’s unique experience of joy and peace can only be found in the African Bush, its wildlife and with its people.

The Imrie family

Brought some tears to an entire families eyes! Simply beautiful!

Felt wrong not to have you in it Imrie family!! Lots of love as always, Ames

Marc Taback

Beautiful and emotional ! Happy to have been to Londolozi over 8+ times and can’t wait to go back soon. Happy 90th anniversary to one of the best places on earth.

Mahalo for warming my heart and connecting my heart strings halfway around the world. Take care, please, of my heart pieces that live with you….since my first visit in 1982.

Beautiful. Brilliant. And so true. There’s no place like being home at Londolozi.


What a wonderful tribute to all those involved in making Londolozi what it is! I have only been once but left with tears in my eyes as the plane took off from the airstrip. It truly touched my heart. I so wish we had the resources to return.

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