on How to Learn from your Ranger and Tracker: A Guest’s Perspective

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Great tips. The rangers and trackers have got so much knowledge about the bush, every game drive is a new lesson

Love the passion of the teams at Londolozi – so many great rangers and trackers.

Barbara Lewitt

It has been a year since our adventures at Londolozi and everyday we recall something that we saw, learned, experienced and remember of our days at Londolozi…..a life changing trip……

Yes, put the camera down and look and listen. Words of advice to the guests back in 2010 from Michael Miller. Never forget that advice.

Jill Grady

Great blog and wonderful pictures Eric! Londolozi’s Rangers and Trackers are the best in the world in so many ways…not only for their great knowledge and skills in the bush and their incredible connection with nature, but also for their ability as teachers – promoting conservation, helping others to connect with nature and that sense of “finding yourself” that comes from being in the wild, as well as demonstrating great patience in answering the neverending questions and every single day fulfilling lifelong dreams.

Senior Digital Ranger

A good Guide is worth his weight in Gold, especially if he bonds with the Tracker is a strong one! My best would be to say, be patient as finding anything from the biggest ellie to the Dung Beetle is exciting, as are the birds. Yes leave the camera on the seat & remember the sighting in your mind 🙂

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