About the Author

Anna Ridgewell

Alumni: Executive Chef

Anna worked at Londolozi for almost 9 years. A lodge like Londolozi, although famous for its wildlife, is about far more than just that. The superb culinary experience which awaits every guest at Londolozi is thanks to the continued efforts of Anna, who ...

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Yummy! 😉


Great blog Anna! Interesting to hear that Boston is a culinary highlight. I have heard great things about the food in Boston, so must definitely give it a try. The food markets you visited look wonderful!

Thanks Shelley! Boston is definitely up there with some of the greatest Food Capitals in the World, so have a look next week!


Ian MacLarty

Hi Anna,
I have been to New Orleans but that was in a previous, non foodie life. I am sure that Karin has already made the necessary notes on the “bucket list”
We will be in Boston towards the middle of October and then at Londos late in November and we look forward to the real McCoy in Boston and then comparing their fare to what I am sure will be excellent reproductions. See you then. Ian

Thank you Ian!
You & Karin will love New Orleans, please let me know when you are going and what your plans are in time, so i may give you a detailed list of suggestions!
Look out for next week’s Boston Blog, and try make some reservations! My mouth is still watering from the one place!
Enjoy your family time with Duncs!

Senior Digital Ranger

Anna, you are one lucky lady! Sounds & looks like you had one “heck of a culinary experience”! Look forward to the next “episode”

Thank you Wendy! Don’t forget to look out for next weeks!


I love NOLA almost as much as I love Londolozi! Antoine’s is awesome

An amazing place it is! i am planning a two week trip there again soon, so i can try out some more of their great delights! Antoine’s is indeed an institution!

Just back from Boston where my son is a chef…..lobster, lobster, lobster. Looking forward to what you are going to do at Londo in November.

Lobster absolutely! but many more great restaurants! Enjoy next week!

Scott Smith

Hi Anna:
Greetings for. Boston. We were at Londolozi in January and would have loved to have returned the hospitality! Can’t wait to hear of your adventures in our great city. Looking forward to a return in 2014!

Thank you Scott!
We will definitely be able to meet up again in Boston, as it was not my last visit by any means! Enjoy next week’s blog and let me know what you think about what i did! It definitely was the culinary highlight!

Jorina de Kock

Hi Anna
Glad you enyoyed your trip. Lovies

Thank you Jorina!
It was indeed the trip of a lifetime! Hope to see you soon

Thanks for reviews of New Orleans and Chicago, but being from Boston, I look forward to hearing about WHICH venues you visited. We also wish we had known about your visit; the North Shore and the Cape, the Berkshires and Southie all have wonderful dining experiences! And to all the above from Boston, you are going to LOVE Londolozi!!! They can do it all!! 🙂

Thank you Geri, i am so glad you have enjoyed the blog, remember to have a look next week where all will be revealed about my Boston moments!

Looks like an incredible trip with some incredible food! Well done, rich

Thanks Rich!

Oh my goodness – I get so excited reading about your travel and food safari!! Next best thing to actually being there. Travel is truly the “spice” of life – thank you for sharing all the wonderful details of your travel/food adventure.

Thank you Debs! you are absolutely right that Travel is the “spice” of life and in the cities i visited, they also truly believe that!

Beau Bethune

Anna, my wife and I are from NOLA, I wish that the Londolozi staff would have put you in touch with us. We were guests at Londolozi in April/May and would have enjoyed repaying some hospitality. Glad to hear that you had a great time here in our great city. Kathlyn and Beau Bethune.

Dear Beau
Don’t worry, i am already planning my next NOLA visit, so will be sure to be in touch. Stay on the blog and see next week’s updates AND in the upcoming weeks, there will be posts on my NOLA cooking here at Londolozi!
Thank you for your comments!

Senior Digital Ranger

Anna – all sounds quite delicious and such an exciting trip of contrasts. Look forward to tasting some of your exciting new Creole recipes next time we meet – another culinary addition to the Londolozi experience. A fantastic “foodie” safari indeed. Lucky you!


Great news update Anna. Weve just docked from our cruise in th baltic — tooo much food too often, so it will be a few weeks of min for us.
NO looks brilliant – im sure we’ll get there on day
Lotsa luv


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